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With this beautiful training assistance

With the Bal.on smart suite, you can practice weight changes almost anywhere.

Welcome to play Smart, a regular game improvement column that will help you become a smarter and better golfer.

We’ve covered the Bal.on smart suite before, but if this is the first time you’ve heard of it, it’s a quick bankruptcy. Training assistance produced by German multinational Continental is a beautiful technology exist Your shoes and use pressure soles and other hardware to provide you with real-time feedback on swing metrics such as weight and pressure transfer.

Very cool, huh?

I had the opportunity to use training aid in a short course with Bal.on ambassador and 100 golf teacher Mike Dickson, but the ability of technology shocked me. However, you don’t need to experience the benefits of the product on a driving range or simulator. In fact, you can use the BAL.ON smart kit to teach yourself the weight and stress transfer from the comfort of your own home.

Use Bal.on at home

Weight and pressure transfer are important factors in the swing, especially if you want to generate consistent power. If you analyze any of the top players in the world, you will find that their pressure is transferred by a ton during the swing.

“We need pressure to move,” Dickson said. “Especially if we want to hit it and maybe hit it.”

With the Bal.on Smart suite, you can teach yourself this exercise without heading to the driving range. All you need to do is put the hardware into your shoes and start rehearsing your swing at home.

“If I walk to the top of the golf swing, I find that a lot of times people will sway their hands and feet,” Dixon said. “It’s on my little toes, and I always tell people, like a pitcher pushing away the rubber. … Your little toe can’t be pushed away.”

The beauty of the BAL.ON swing kit is that you don’t even need a club to practice the feeling. All you need to do is to exercise your golf pose and practice your swing. You can then see the screen on the screen over the pressure of the swing and work hard to fix it.

Check out the video above for more demonstrations on how to work from home using the Bal.on swing kit.

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