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The PRO’s push rod interrupted the cutting in a cruel way

Adam Svensson has this push to lay off for layoffs.

Many data tell us that there is a 8-foot push rod in the PGA tour of 50-50 goals. The distance of the distance of the tour was abandoned in half of the time and missed half of the time. What we do not have is enough data to play 8 feet high data at the sound of the horn.

But we did start the data pursuit of Thursday.

During the opening of the second round of peasant insurance, Adam Svenson, Torrey Pines, was easier to reach his 18th hole (northern track). At that time, he reached his 18th hole ( The 5th poop 9), a bird is needed to spend the weekend. Considering that the second round was suspended for 86 minutes due to the strong wind in the region, it was a long day.

When Svensson was below the game, he was very good on all other lines, but began to back up the second nine games. The last time he made five standard rods and three cypresses, he needed a bird. No need to ask for anything, he found that he was wearing a 8 -foot player to make progress.

Maybe you know what is about to happen.

When the nearby horn rang, Svanson was on the top of his stroke, which made the players reminding the players in the second round to be suspended in darkness. Just like Ludvig Aberg ended the 18th hole of the Southern Stadium, he could end, and he had begun before Horns exploded. Only for Svanson, it doesn’t matter. He had to clean up his PAR push rod and then went to the locker room because he missed a cut.

This is as bad as the rest. Blaveful bouncing? Don’t miss green. Plug -in lies? Don’t hit it in the bunker. Wind? This is difficult, but it is not the end of the world. No one missed the cut, because they were burst into the wind. But do you have a horn in your back? On the real 50-50 push? You have no power to prevent this.

However, we cannot be sure it affects Svanson. Only he can really tell us that if he does this, he will become a preferred person. But you can see that he immediately released his left hand from the push rod immediately after the impact. He knew he missed it. And he can’t really blame anyone. Well, in the championship, the timing of multiple courses had to be released.

I hope that next time, there will be a cruel rest around the cut line.

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