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How long can you wait for a hole to fall during a match?

What do you say about the rules for quick concessions on the ball at the edge of the hole?

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Golf rules are tricky! Thankfully, we have masters. Our Rules guys know this book from beginning to end. Is there any problem? He has all the answers.

My birdie putt rested at the edge of the cup and my opponent quickly admitted par. Do I have a reasonable time to let the ball fall into the birdie? – Philip Frazier in Montgomery, Texas

As Orson Welles may have suggested: “Gimme was not accepted until then.”

You still have reasonable time to get to the hole and 10 seconds to see if the ball falls.

Although the opponent has no fine (maybe trying to pull one on you), if the opponent quickly pulls out a little with his finger and lifts the ball before that time, the rule treats the ball as being stroked under Rule 13.3B.

Google “Madelene Sagstrom, 2021 Solheim Cup.”

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Ruler guy

For more matching instructions from Masters, please continue reading…

Four-goal game. Our opponents arrived at the tee ahead of us and were hit. They accidentally hit the next box forward, pointing it out appropriately. I replayed it from the correct t-shirt and typed 5. Our opponent said I scored 7 points because he hit the wrong t-shirt. Is that right? – Dennis Derby, via email

Your opponent has no obligation to tell you that you are going to play from the wrong t-shirt while sportsmanship. Maybe they didn’t realize it until too late…or didn’t realize it.

Nevertheless, they confuse the rules related to the gameplay (Rule 6.1b(1) with the stroke game, Rule 6.1b(2). In this case, in the game, the opponent can choose whether to cancel your stroke and ask you to play from the right t-shirt; if they don’t cancel, you just kick out the loophole, i.e., the wrong t-shirt is fined. In a stroke game, you do get a two-stroke fine and need to correct your own mistakes.

Need help with green removal in your home lesson? Get a custom green book from golf logix.

Any questions about the rules? The person who asks about the rules! Send your queries, confusion and comments to We promise he won’t throw the book to you.

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