New Nazi coercion SOCAL children’s production of children’s pornography

According to the new unclean jury prosecution, four members of the online new Nazi organization operate a international children’s exploitation ring, which forces minors to make abuse and sexual pornographic products, and then extort the victims. They refused to continue ransom.
The four members of the four are members of the CVLT (pronunciation as cult). The member announced that the Naziism, nihilism and pedophilia are its core principles. The indictment arrived on January 17, and the U.S. Department of Justice did not make public on Thursday, saying that these people used the Internet to cultivate videos of fragile children as production behaviors and self -harm.
Prosecutors said that these people were charged with a charges of a child’s exploitation of enterprises. If they were accused of conviction, they would face 20 years in prison. They are Colin John Thomas Walker, 23 -year -old in Brigett, New Jersey; Clint Jordan Lopaka Nahooikaika Borge, 41 years old, from Pahoa, Hawaii; Calebab Kristoper ( Kaleb Christopher Merritt, 24 years old, from Spring, Texas; 28 -year -old Rohan Sandeep Rane in Antibes, France.
The indictment revealed that these people were accused of forcing 16 juvenile performances to perform.
According to the indictment, two of them are from San Benadino County.
The indictment said: “This kind of children’s pornography sometimes includes the use of pets or other children, or inserts foreign objects such as knife or cactus into its genitals.”
It is said that these men used to modify their children’s various methods of making such violence and sexual content are also shocking.
The prosecutor said: “Encourage victims to engage in more and more non -humanized behaviors, including cutting hair and eating their own hair, drinking urine, hitting themselves, claiming to be racial defamation, and using a shaver to put the name of CVLT members. Carving into skin. “
These people are accused of using children’s fragility, such as psychological health challenges or previous sexual abuse to break willpower and resistance. Prosecutors said that when the victims were hesitant, they would tell their parents or authorities, these people would use various forms of ransom to retain their power.
The indictment stated that this includes the personal identity information of children’s porn products or children and their families. When the child refuses to follow, the organization sometimes follows these threats and the indictment says.
Rane, Walker and Merritt are accused of hosting and controlling the membership of the group by hosting and running a CVLT online server to serve as the leader of the group.
Walker and Bolg were arrested on Thursday. Rane has been detained in France since 2022, and he had previously accused of several children’s exploitation. Merritt was sentenced to 50 years in Virginia for child sex abuse in 2020 and 2021.
The case is investigating by local, national and international law enforcement agencies. Among them, the Los Angeles Police Department, Sanbenidino County Sheriff’s Office, Land and Safety Investigation, Henry County Sheriff’s Office, Elevillery State University Police, French Police Department, British National Affairs Department, New Zealand Internal Affairs and Europe Department of Law Enforcement Cooperation Bureau of Department of Trade Union.