Will Kulp of the Southern Hotel admits he regrets skipping the party

Will KulpBack to Southern Hospitality Season 4 didn’t get into trouble after choosing not to join the Season 3 reunion – Leave Emmy Sharrett Alone.
“It’s hard for me. I think the clearest thing for me is that I will always support the Emmys and their position on the show. I don’t think I might be attending the party to mess up some feathers,” said the episode of the “Viall Files” podcast on Wednesday, March 12, before clarifying that he “has messed up some feathers of course” and adding, “I’m sorry.”
Will was absent from the party in Season 3, when the actors met in New York City, Emmys told hosts Andy Cohen He was backstage, but did not show up due to mental health reasons. (In the finale of Season 3 Southern HospitalityWill is accused of having the brunette join him at law school for a legal prom with her. In response, Will accused the woman of law school friends, and Emmy knew that what Emmy knew was living in an apartment. The allegations came after he was accused of cheating on the Emmys in Season 2 and 3 of the show.
When hosting Nick Viall When asked Wednesday why Will wouldn’t return to the party to defend his case, Brave Personality explained: “Because the way the show portrays the relationship between me and us, I feel like I have to dig out from the bottom of the mountain.”
“The way I’m going to solve will require a length segment, just trying to break all the nuances. The most important thing is that the people on the stage I know are very interested in whether they are heading into the next season and are willing to say or do anything. It’s just a bloody thing,” he continued. “Like I could come here to explain to you guys, ‘Hey, that’s what happened, we could have a fascinating conversation. That would have been two steps forward, two steps forward, one step backward.”
Will Kulp and Emmy Sharret.
Bryan Steffy/BravoWill explains, “these people are no longer my friends,” claiming they would have been on the stage and “trying to act” like they were good friends “used as positions of power” to have “false conversations” with him. Will admits his mental health is “unacceptable”.
“I’m still on the fence. I think I need to talk about how the show is filmed. I also think the two most important things in my life right now are my relationships, after all, what’s left in my legal career. I just can’t see reality TV as a format where relationships flourish.”
Will admits he questioned “whether this is right for me”, adding: “When I look at the Emmy, I think she is a star.”