Travel and Lifestyle

13 glorious houses by the team at Sibyl Colefax & John Fowler

After losing most of her fortune in the Wall Street crash, the resourceful Lady Colefax began to decorate professionally, using her formidable address book for contacts and clients. She purchased the decorating division of an antiques dealer in Mayfair and established Sibyl Colefax Ltd in partnership with Peggy Ward, the Countess Munster. When Peggy decided to retire, the designer John Fowler was taken on as a partner and managed the business – thus was born the decorating giant Sibyl Colefax and John Fowler.

In 1944, the business was sold to the famous twentieth-century tastemaker Nancy Lancaster. She is often credited with crystalising, if not exactly inventing, the English country house look alongside John Fowler. She introduced American luxury to the small stately homes she decorated for herself – heating, carpeted bathrooms – ensuring that comfort became another characteristic. She famously advocated having “something a little bit ugly” in every room, and described decorating as “a bit like mixing a salad”, recognising that a degree of informality promotes relaxation – no one enjoys feeling that their presence is a blot on the immaculate landscape.

As for Fowler, he summarised his own design philosophy thus: “I like the decoration of a room to be well behaved but free from too many rules; to have a sense of graciousness; to be mannered, yet casual and unselfconscious; to be comfortable, stimulating, even provocative, and finally to be nameless in period – ‘fantaisie’ expressing the personality of the owner.” It’s not too difficult to see how his design style would have dovetailed with Nancy Lancaster’s.

Based on Mayfair’s Brook Street since 1944, the company eventually made a historic move to new Pimlico Road headquarters in September 2016, announcing that “the change of location brings fresh inspiration and a new lease of life…A new era has begun.” The much-loved Brook Street location was a design hub, the most striking sight being the famous yellow room, with its lacquered buttercup walls and three pairs of massive curtains hung about with passementerie; a shrine to decorating, and an emblem of Sibyl Colefax and John Fowler’s grandest classical style.

The current designers working under the legendary name include Wendy Nicholls, Emma Burns, Philip Hooper, Roger Jones, and Lucy Hammond Giles, all with distinct styles that fit snugly under the traditional yet innovative ethos of on of modern history’s most famed design firms.

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