I have recently calculated how much do you need to become a millionaire through investment Nvidia(NASDAQ: NVDA) 10 years ago stocks. When I handle the number, the answer is a shocking low price of $ 3,625. Due to the rise of NVIDIA’s stocks in the past few days, the magic power is even lower.
In my seeming practice, I also checked the signs of the huge growth potential of NVIDIA. Moreover, for anyone who observes closely, the company’s prospects have good signs.
But what about the prospects of NVIDIA now? Where will the company and its stock be after 10 years? I will not pretend to have any certain answers. However, I will pierce the position I think NVIDIA in 2035.
The most important assumption of the future of NVIDIA is that we only see how artificial intelligence (AI) will affect the tip of the iceberg of the world. However, because of the use of AI agents that can perform their own tasks, I suspect that more icebergs will be relatively visible soon.
Can I realize artificial intelligence (AGI) in the next 10 years? Maybe it depends on the way you define AGI. I agree with Jensen Huang, CEO of NVIDIA, that that is, the AI model will be able to pass any tests that humans can pass five years or shorter. However, by 2035, I will not predict that the AI system will be valuable (some AGI standards).
I completely hope that NVIDIA will become the central player of AI in the next ten years and later. The company’s new Blackwell GPU architecture (so far with the most powerful AI function) is compared with NVIDIA from now 10 years. The most powerful AI function may be painful and clumsy.
My future pictures of NVIDIA include the company’s actively expand to develop custom AI chips and other fields. I also believe that the Robotaxis will explode in the next few years, and NVIDIA is one of the most beneficial.
Although AI is the biggest opportunity of NVIDIA, I think that the company will also see huge growth due to the adoption of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). AR and VR applications will require powerful graphics processors-companies that are better than NVIDIA.
Murphy’s law even affects the best companies. What is possible to have a problem that makes me a certain optimistic prediction of NVIDIA’s future? Several things.
In the next 10 years, competition in the AI chip market will definitely increase greatly. I hope Advanced micro -equipment Will further strengthen the game. I will also follow the big customers of NVIDIA. They have developed their own AI chips, including Google Parent letter,,,,, Amazonand MicrosoftEssence
However, perhaps the most worrying competition may come from major technical breakthroughs in competitors. Nvidia’s Huang recently commented that practical quantum computers were about 15 to 30 years, which caused quantum computing inventory. That may be the idea of wishful thinking. I can imagine a solution. Another company has developed a quantum computer, which is more powerful than NVIDIA’s GPU and is used to train and deploy AI models.
Despite this, NVIDIA is successful (I think it will continue), but it cannot immune macroeconomic factors. If the global economy has fallen into depth and long -term decline, chip manufacturers may not grow as expected.
I will also be fired without admitting that my future optimism of AI may be too pieria in the sky. Perhaps large language models (LLMS) may reach the performance plateau without better technology.
So far, I only talk about the position I think NVIDIA’s business will be in 2035. However, the possible questions below are: Where will NVIDIA stocks be in 10 years?
Before I try to answer this question, I will tell you what I No It is thought that it will happen. In the past 10 years, NVIDIA’s stock price has soared by nearly 285 times. In the next ten years, I can’t see that the stock is approaching anywhere near this return.
However, as mentioned earlier, I foresee Nvidia’s main growth opportunities provided by NVIDIA in AI, Robotaxis and AR/VR in the next 10 years. During this period, can NVIDIA’s compound annual growth rate (CAGR) be at least 15 % at least 15 %? I think it is possible. If we assume that the annual growth rate is 15 %, by 2035, the stock will be four bags with a market value of more than $ 18 trillion.
It is true that this prediction may be too optimistic. However, even if NVIDIA’s compound annual growth rate is much lower, the stocks of their stocks will be more than twice the stocks in the next ten years, and the company’s market value will exceed $ 11 trillion. Unless un foreseeable threats have occurred, the wind is getting rid of Nvidia’s sail, and the future of the GPU manufacturer seems to be very bright.
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Suzanne Frey, an executive of Alphabet, is a member of the Motley Fool board. John Mackey, a former CEO of Amazon Son, is a member of the board of directors of Motley Fool. Keith SpeighTs has positions in Alphabet, Amazon and Microsoft. Motley has a place, and recommends high -level micro -equipment, letters, Amazon, Microsoft and NVIDIA. Motley fool recommends the following options: January 1, 2026, Microsoft $ 395, SHORT January 2026, Microsoft $ 405. Motley fools have disclosed policies.
Where will NVIDIA be in 10 years? Originally published by Motley Fools