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Alaska Airlines, sued by women, claims to have been sexually assaulted by drunk passengers

A woman traveling from Seattle to Honolulu is Sexual assault By a guy Become a passenger Increasingly drunk in the nightmare, according to new lawsuits against Alaska Airlines and so-called harassers.

May 14, 2023, that woman is In flight Sitting across the aisle of a male passenger according to a book club in a boys’ club Press release Mark Lindquist, the attorney who filed the lawsuit.

The victim claimed that Alaska Airlines staff then provided passengers with excessive red wine, and she witnessed him becoming increasingly incited throughout the flight. Once, the woman said the drunk passenger grabbed her hand and tried to give her a kiss.

After falling asleep for a while, the drunk passenger woke up and Alaska Airlines staff once again provided him with alcohol, according to the lawsuit.

A woman is suing Alaska Airlines for allegedly drunk and sexually assaulting her during a flight between Seattle and Honolulu (Getty Images)

The victim said she had a headache and wanted to ignore the drunk passenger, so she covered her eyes with a bag of ice and tried to sleep. Around that time, the lawsuit says, the alleged drunk man reached out through the aisle, grabbed the victim’s right breast and groped her.

The lawsuit alleges negligence, assault and assault on the drunk passenger and negligence against Alaska Airlines for allegedly exceeding the passenger and failing to protect the victim.

“Alcohol is not an excuse. Still, every situation I’ve seen seems to involve alcohol. Airlines need to be more cautious about excessive liability.”

The victim reportedly contacted the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Hawaii several times after returning home to see if her alleged assailant faces any charges. She was reportedly told he had been fined, which she thought was not enough.

“Through this lawsuit, our clients want responsibility and justice. She does not want to cause drunken sexual assault on others,” Lindquist said in a statement.

Alaska Airlines said it has not commented on the proactive lawsuit.independent Lindquist’s comment has been requested.

There have been several sexual assaults on Alaska Airlines flights over the past two years.

In January, a man from Deering, Alaska, called Trayton voted after he was accused of fumbled a 17-year-old girl sitting next to him, who was sitting in Anchorage, Alaska. Anchorage’s plane was arrested at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.

The victim was in the seat by the window, and the ballot was sitting next to her. According to the Ministry of Justice. He allegedly pretended to fall asleep before he started rubbing the inside of the girl’s thigh. Despite actually holding the man’s hand, the vote was allegedly continuing to grop in her legs until the girl called on the flight crew to assist.

Voted to be arrested in Seattle and pleaded not guilty after being charged for grinding sexual contact.

In March 2024, Justin Baker, 41, flew to Seattle from Burbank, where he was allegedly sitting between him and his wife. Next to him, then proceeded to groping his legs, genitals and breasts.

It is said that Sacramento Bee.

Baker was arrested when he landed in Washington and later convicted of abusive sexual contact.

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