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The Trudeau government leaves Canada is vulnerable to foreign intervention attacks

The Government Council said on Tuesday that the government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau “is not transparent” by foreign intervention in foreign politics, and sometimes “too long” to oppose the past in foreign countries including China and India. In the two elections, attempts to handle and attempt. Essence

The committee said in the final report: “The trust in Canadian democratic agencies has been shocked and must be restored.” The report summarized the 18 -month hearing, testimony and inspection of confidential intelligence documents.

Marie-Joséehogue, a judge of the Quebec Court of Quebec, said the government’s efforts to rebuild their trusts were incredible.

The final report includes 51 suggestions for the committee to strengthen the Canadian election system, including stricter rules and third -party financing rules for political parties in the country, and then better sharing intelligence and supervision of false information during the campaign.

Judge Hogg said that about half of the suggestions “should be implemented quickly, and it should even be implemented before the next election.”

The Trudeau administration did not respond immediately.

Experts said that Trudeau recently announced that he was deeply unpopular and he would resign from the Liberal leader and prime minister’s resignation, which made the committee’s suggestions unlikely to be proposed before the upcoming election. It is expected that members of the Liberal Party will be the successor of Mr. Trudeau in the early March election, and it is likely to hold a general election a few months later.

Ryan Alford, a professor of deputy law professor at Leiwan Lake Heide University in Ontario, said: “It seems that it is impossible to implement these proposal guarantee measures, so that the timetable can not be implemented.” Maybe it is contradictory, which will strengthen such a concept, that is, the same attempts that occur in the last two federal elections will inevitably occur in this election.

The release of the report limited the long -term public investigation of foreign intervention, and the Trudeau administration strongly opposed it. In the end, it only gave up only after a series of extraordinary leaks reported by Canadian news reports. These news report revealed the two elections in the past two elections. In 2021 and 2019, the Chinese interfered.

The release of public hearing and witness reports and intelligence reports of witnesses revealed how foreign countries (especially China and India) promoted their interests in Canada through support or opposing some candidates in elections.

According to the investigation committee, although the overall results of the election have not been affected, intervention may affect a few individual races.

China and India concentrate their activities in the election regions of Toronto and Vancouver, where large and good organizational Chinese and Indian diasporas are occupied by some voters highly sought after by Canadian political parties. Public hearing shows that China and its agents try to destroy candidates for the main opponent’s Conservative Party. The party has adopted a difficult route in China and its control of Hong Kong.

In contrast, the Chinese government and its agents tend to support the candidate of Mr. Trudeau Liberal Party. After Mr. Trudeau’s first election in 2015, he promoted establishing a friendly connection with Beijing, including a warning that Huawei Technology, a China Telecommunications company was allowed to work in Canada through a free trade agreement.

Witnesses and intelligence reports show that foreign governments and their agents affect elections through their members of the diaspora, and many of them have relatives in their original countries and business and other contacts. Although the diaspora community is proven to be the focus of foreign intervention, the committee has not made strong suggestions on how to protect these voters.

“Foreign intervention occurs in the diaspora community.” “If it does not happen in the diaspora community, then you will not be disturbed by foreign countries, and the report is relatively quiet to this. ” ”

Mr. Trudeau and his government were accused of benefiting from Chinese intervention, thus diluing the threat. However, a series of information leaked to the Global and Mail News and Global News Network reports, forcing Mr. Trudeau Order inquiry.

Canada also accused the Indian government of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a Canadian leader in the Indian government in the Indian government, planned the killing of 2023.

The survey shows how the weaknesses of foreign countries use the Canadian democratic system, especially in the non -transparent actions of political parties. The candidates of the election in the nomination race have no loose rules and no external supervision.

When the party’s boss uses this system to exercise muscles, it is nominated as the investigation committee described as “the portal of foreign countries who want to interfere with our democratic process.”

In a Liberal Party nominated competition in the Toronto region, the bus transported dozens of foreign students from China to support candidate Han Dong, which was favored by Beijing.

According to a report from a special parliamentary committee, the Chinese consulate told students that they must vote for Mr. DONG to retain the student visa. Mr. Deng won the nomination of the region, the freedom fortress, and then won in the election.

As the details of foreign intervention appeared at a public hearing, the parliament last summer passed the legislation, which created a registry of foreign agents, which made investigations and prosecuting foreign intervention easier.

In the final report, Judge Hogg wrote: “The isolated case may have a certain impact on the results of the nomination competition or in the given” election results in the election area). This effort has reached the minimum impact. ”

Duff Conacher, the founder of the independent supervision of the democratic observation organization, said that the final report was underestimated by foreign intervention, which is still unknown.

“False information far exceeds the minimum impact.” “In addition, it is not the smallest record. There is also the killing of a Canadian citizen, and the threat of the diaspora in many countries. That’s not the smallest. ‘ ‘

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