The outrageous horror comedy on Tubi is magical and crazy

Author: Robert Scruch Published
If there’s anything I love more than a good horror comedy, it’s one made directly against Walt Disney’s wishes Steamboat Willie It will become public domain property in 2024. rat trap, And released the trailer on January 1, 2024, the day when copyright law will no longer apply to intellectual property rights, as if they have been waiting for this moment their entire lives. The end result is a teen horror movie in which the antagonists compete with Steamboat Willie Iterations of Mickey Mouse, as later depictions of the character are still protected by copyright law.
Get rid of legal mumbo jumbo

forward rat trap After entering the bloody plot, a huge disclaimer slowly scrolled on the screen, informing the audience that “This work is not sponsored or endorsed by Disney, The Walt Disney Company, or any of their subsidiaries or affiliates, and/or third-party licensors or affiliated”. ”. The disclaimer went on for a hilarious amount of time, letting everyone know that they made several phone calls to confirm that Disney wanted absolutely nothing to do with the film, “legally or emotionally,” but not before acknowledging that the disclaimer itself was ” Universal”. Space Reels…not to be confused with Lucasfilm, its subsidiaries or third party licensors. “
Of course, this whole introduction rat trap That’s a joke in itself, but there were clearly concerns about the legal ramifications of the project, so why not make it a total joke when the opportunity arose?
Frame of mouse trap

events described in rat trap In hindsight, this is told from the cell of Rebecca (Mackenzie Mills), the sole survivor of a rec center massacre. Rebecca is initially tight-lipped, unwilling to let detectives Cole (Damir Kovich) and Marsh (Nik Biskupek) talk about what happened before she was imprisoned because she fears for her life Safety. In order to prove her innocence, Rebecca must spend the night with the detectives as she is the main focus at this point as she is the only one to make it out of the arcade alive.
It’s worth noting, however, that Rebecca’s story is dubious at best, as her recollection of events includes exchanges that allegedly took place when she wasn’t present.
Leaving aside the story frame, rat trap Jumping back and forth from Rebecca’s interrogation to Funhaven, the entertainment center where Alex (Sophie McIntosh) and Jayna (Madeline Kellman) work. Towards the end of their shift, Alex and Jayna are approached by their boss Tim (Simon Phillips), who asks them to arrive a few hours late due to a last-minute booking. Tim disappeared into the back office, poured himself a drink, and watched Steamboat Willie That is until he is distracted by his collection of Mickey masks, which taunt him with a demonic voice, prompting him to put it on.
Tim laughed, it was the last he would ever see…or so everyone was supposed to think.
The bloodbath begins

What Alex didn’t know at the time was that the upcoming party consisted of her friends, who I won’t list because you know going into rat trap No one can make it out alive, so why persist? Meanwhile, Tim, still seemingly wearing a Mickey mask, has locked all the doors with chains and padlocks to ensure no one can escape Happy Harbor.
Now, even if you’ve only seen one killer, you pretty much know where rat trap We are heading towards that point. Possessing the inexplicable ability to teleport, the ferocious Mickey slaughters everyone who stands in his path, one by one, while emitting a high-pitched giggle with every slash and slash.
From now on, rat trap Shamelessly executing every classic horror movie style you can think of.
That couple went to have sex on a jungle gym? Don’t be too persistent. The words “I’ll be back soon” are immediately tantamount to a death sentence. certainly, certainly Everyone’s phone is in their bag so everyone can live in the moment instead of falling into doom. Except in this case, the inability to do a scroll of doom at a birthday party pretty much seals everyone’s fate.
Magical and crazy

rat trap Not about reinventing the horror genre, but about celebrating familiar beats we’ve seen before in the most ridiculous ways. While I initially wished I hadn’t seen Tim put on the mask at the beginning of the movie, meaning he was the only one who could have been the killer, going into this movie without a hint of mystery somehow made it even more interesting.
rat trap It’s not supposed to make you think, and there’s no big reveal.
The fact that you know exactly what’s going to happen (by design) five minutes into the movie allows you to enjoy the violence unconsciously, knowing what to expect as a viewer while everyone else has absolutely no idea.
You can stream rat trap At the time of writing, the show is available for free on Tubi, and I highly recommend inviting your friends over to watch Mickey Mouse go on his murderous rampage.