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The hunter who does not want to stop shooting will get “sad slap in the wrist”

Four duck hunters tried to deceive the gaming prison in Texas, because the number of three ducks in Louisiana finally acknowledged that it had surpassed their daily bag restrictions, which was a very disgusting reason.

Three poachers in Louisiana said they did not want to stop shooting, claiming that this was more than they were in the entire season in Texas and Louisiana. Related to it.

When the game prisons from Hamilton and Bosk County heard several artillery shells nearby, they were patrolling in the Brace River in Bosk County. They did not find illegal acts. However, when they put on the boat, they heard more gunfire from the same area.

They use satellite diagrams to find out that the area may be several private lakes in the potential hunting location.

Near a entrance, they met a disguised person who left the equipment shed. He seemed to escape and sent a text message urgently.

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Report from Texas game guardians:

“The man pointed the prison commander to the duck blind people nearby, where three nervous hunters packed their equipment and provided contradictory details about their group. Other hunters can name the hunter who is allegedly left.

“When a prison chief interviewed the hunter, another person went to check a pile of ducks on the opposite bank. When he checked the duck, he guarded the fourth person behind the dam. Duck. Hunter lacks effective hunting permits and crossed two fences to cover up 16 birds.

“Further investigation showed many illegal acts. Near the blind people, the watcher found more ducks, about 250 HO shotguns shells and hunters containing prohibited lead shoots. This is illegal hunting water poultry. “

It was determined that four people were hunting, and only three obtained effective hunting permits. In total, these people illegally harvested 54 ducks using four gun shotguns, 30 more ducks more than statutory restrictions.

“It has issued many citations because it exceeds the luggage restrictions, has no effective license hunting, and uses lead to shoot water pows,” said the Mail of the Texas Game Overwatch. “Hunter is also accused of compensation for illegal ducks. The group’s fines and compensation of the group exceed $ 7,000.”

Most people think that more people think more. Comment example:

“It destroys the illegal person, but the slap on the wrist is really sad. This is not enough to stop this behavior.”

“Enjoy their right to hunt!! This is definitely crazy!”

“My opinion is that the total fine and compensation should exceed $ 7,000. Perhaps it is the time of imprisonment and the loss of equipment and guns. Does this sound too difficult? No, they stole from us.”

“Such a person is why the hunter gets bad representatives. I feel ashamed of them. I hope I can learn the lesson. Relax, only a fine of $ 7,000.”

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“I am very happy to watch their intestines and find these poachers, but I also hope that punishment will be more severe. Especially because they are actively trying to deceive the guards and deliberately break many regulations/laws.”

“They should never buy the hunting permits in Gosas. $ 7,000 is not enough.”

The ducks were caught, cleaned and assigned to families in Hamilton and Bosk County.

“This case is a clear example, saying a clear example that needs to comply with hunting regulations to protect wild animals and plants.”

The picture is provided by the Dexas Game Prison.

This article first appeared in the victory: hunters who did not want to stop shooting gained “sad slap in the wrist”

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