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QVC host celebrates Valentine’s Day, love letters to their spouses

Provided by QVC

Shopping isn’t the only thing QVC plans to host Love.

As Valentine’s Day approaches quickly, several familiar faces from the shopping network are illuminating their supportive life partners who make life special.

To commemorate the romantic holiday, several owners wrote a love letter to their spouse and shared their words with them specifically US Weekly.

In addition to claiming to admire and respect a partner, the QVC star also helps shoppers by providing gifts recommended this season.

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Some QVC shoppers can’t help but connect with certain products and hosts on the network. Over the years, audiences have built close bonds with long-term programme hosts who have everything from fashion and beauty products to food and electronics. Every once in a while, some program hosts decide […]

Continue reading your favorite QVC host’s love story to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

Amy Stran

QVC hosts celebrate Valentine's Day with their spouse 187 Amy Stran (2)
Provided by QVC

Dear Steve,

I still can’t believe we met in one person in New York City. For over 20 years, we have built a relationship that includes two busy careers, two incredible kids and too many memories to count. I am very grateful for our paths crossing, but more thankful for staying in touch. I love you, happy Valentine’s Day!

Love, Amy

Amy’s Gift Choice: “Jewelry is perfect for marking a special holiday, and our exclusive QVC brand Jai has the perfect men and women’s language bracelets to give to Steve. This is exactly what you’re looking for Designer Silver Expectations: Heavy and stylish, but only a fraction of the price.”

Jayne Brown

QVC hosts celebrate Valentine's Day with their spouses' love letters and gift options 185 Jayne Brown
Provided by QVC

Dear James,

Where have you been in 37 years? ! ! Time will certainly fly, but it’s to let us spend this time together. Build our family, our home, and be filled with light, laughter and love. I look forward to the next 37+! Happy Valentine’s Day!

Love, Jayne

Jayne’s gift: “A watch is a gift that indicates the passage of time.”

Jane Treacy

QVC hosts celebrate Valentine's Day with their spouse 190 Jane Treacy (2)
Provided by QVC

Dear lover,

I still get butterflies when I walk into the room together for thirty-five years. I like to shake hands, look Star Trek And Irish movies, just live and love with you. You are the best female dad of our daughter, and have learned to love dance, Disney and how to rock epic Halloween costumes!

Love you forever, Jane

Jane’s gift choice: “When I want to surround my Valentine’s Day with luxury, I go to dream barefoot! Soft, stylish after washing, the fabric keeps the wash elegantly. Plus, this makes his hug warmer!”

Nancy Dollar

QVC host celebrates Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day and spouse 189 Nancy Yoon
Provided by QVC

Dear Thomas aka Boobsi!

I am really grateful, the luckiest girl in the world because I have you! You are the kindest and most beautiful soul inside and outside. Thank you for your endless love and support over the past 16 years. From us Music sound We went through a lot of things together and I couldn’t have a better life partner to live. God bless you and us on our journey here until we are reunited with loved ones and furry people. I love you to the moon, and then infinite♾️!

Love, fantasy Nancy

Nancy’s gift choice: “We are both foodies and chefs and love to cook together, especially Schnitzel (Thomas is Austrian). Our local cookware set is something we can enjoy and use every day!”

Moni Farge

QVC hosts celebrate Valentine's Day and offer love letters and gift options for their spouses 186 MONIFA DAYS
Provided by QVC

To my eternal lover,

Yes, you are my biggest cheerleader. The best female dad and the person who makes me laugh every day! You bring joy and happiness to many people. I feel very grateful that we found each other about 30 years ago. I love you very much… This magical life we ​​share continues to sing!

Your eternal lover, Monifar

Monifa’s gift choice: “My husband is a loyal sports fan, so giving him a Bose Soundbar really makes watching and listening to games even more exciting at home!”

Terri Conn

QVC hosts celebrate Valentine's Day with their spouse 188 Terri Conn's Valentine's Day and Gift Pick
Provided by QVC


Thank you for creating a wonderful life for us! It’s been nearly 15 years since I caught you from a room and my heart was still very upset. Watching you in a special moment with a girl makes me love you more, and then laughing with you is to know the real joy. I can’t imagine a life without you. Austin Peck, I love you so much!

Your wife, Terry

Terri’s Gift Choice: “I love the gift of Rastelli’s Filet Mignon because it’s the best steak in our favorite steakhouse. Instead of going out on an overly busy night and paying place, we want to cook together at home A great meal. We listen to great music, drink some wine, enjoy each other’s company and conversation, then we cook together and sit down to have a meal.”

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