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“American Pie” singer Don McLean criticizes “very bad lyric writing” in modern music

“American Pie” singer Don McLean is not very impressed by modern songwriters.

On the red carpet of the Film Directing Awards, the musician told Fox News that the biggest change he saw in his career was “very bad lyrical writing, no melody.

McLean remains a prolific performer and artist, re-releasing his three albums, Believers, Chain Lightning and Golden Time on Vinyl and CD, and released two Children’s books and continue to tour.

The “American Pie” singer believes there is “very bad lyrical writing, no melody” in today’s music. (Michael Tamberg/Getty Image)

“American Pie” singer Don McLean says “pain” is the key to songwriting: ‘If you don’t hurt, it’s not good

“I have a lot of things going on. I’ve been on vacation for some time and I’m going to start rolling sometime this summer and go, really next year,” he said.

The 79-year-old also recently marked the 66th anniversary of the “On the Day of Music’s Death” when Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and JP “Big Bopper” Richardson died in a plane crash.

The tragedy was the inspiration for McLean’s iconic hit American Pie, which has become an integral part of the pop culture landscape.

Don McLean Thinks

McLean released his hit song “American Pie” in 1971. (Gijsbert Hanekroot/Redferns)

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But McLean said he had never planned the song.

“People chose the song’American Pie. It’s not the moment of planning.

He continued: “In the years since, all these radio stations started to go to their hometowns and played songs from the 50s and 60s because they realized that people missed this kind of music. I’m sure they missed it now.”

Young Don McLean and Guitar

According to McLean, “People chose the song “American Pie.” It was not planned.” (Mark Sullivan/Getty Images)

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In the 2022 documentary, the creation and influence of “American Pie” is “The Day of Music’s Die: The Story of Don McLean’s American Pie, “Paramount+ and Amazon” .

Watch: Don McLean chooses to make the iconic “American Pie” among the People

McLean passed the song and admitted the death of a music legend who had become an “Informal Holiday”.

He explained, “I think the whole ‘the day of music disappearing’ started about 10 years ago. It was an informal holiday to mark this solemn moment, and of course, the song somehow made that moment. Become dead.”

Don McLean performs in 2022

McLean’s songs have become a central part of American pop culture. (Jason Kempin/Getty Images)

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He added: “I tried to write a big song about America, so it’s all, but it’s all happening to people.”

McLean can be seen showing off the Best Documentary category at the Film Guide Awards aired on March 6 at the Great American Family.

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