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Prince Harry appeared in the surprise video of Monte Sito’s House Welch Video

Prince Harry Surprisingly, the Welch Award of the upcoming 2025, the video seems to be shot at the Monteoso House he shared with him Meghan Markle And their children Prince Achi and Princess Lelly Bett.

Duke of Sussex, 40, urged the public to submit nominations for the 20th annual award released on Tuesday, January 28th.

Harry said: “Every year, the Wellchild Award and GSK unite, know and celebrate young people with complicated medical conditions from all over the UK and more and more young people with additional medical conditions.” The outstanding stories of power, toughness and courage have attracted people’s attention. “

Harry has always been the sponsor of Wellchild. Since 2007, the organization needs to raise funds for good healthy children and young people at home instead of hospitals.

Harry added in the video: “This year we celebrate the 20th Wyeth Award.” “Respecting this incredible community’s heroic and sympathy is a true honor.”

Related: Prince Harry learned about the family life of the 3 -year -old daughter Lelibatt

Prince Harry made some brief insights on the life of Limebert at home at home-more importantly, her toys. Harry, 40, congratulated the “Little Legends” held in London on Monday, September 30, won this year’s WellChild Award and discussed the life of the parents of the two. In addition to her daughter Lilibet, Harry also and 5 -year -old son Achi […]

He asked the public to nominate the upcoming ritual, which was about to be held later this year.

Prince Harry appeared in the surprise Welch video in his Monteoso house

Prince Harry WillChild/YouTube

Harry concluded: “Your support can make everything change.” Therefore, please realize that you will be amazed by the recognition of the recognition at the Wyeth Award in 2025. “

This is not the first time Duke has shot from his California’s family. He and Markle, 43, delivered a speech at the global ministerial conference meeting on children’s violence in November 2024, and stood at the same place before.

Over the years, Harry and Welchor’s cooperation has been widely recognized. A source told October 2024 American weekly While the University of Duke participated in the 2024 Wyeth Award, Duke University’s “amazing” with children.

The insider shared at the time: “Harry is so enthusiastic and charming on the stage.” “The response to him is very good.”

The children of Harry Meghan Markle, Archie, and Lili, Harry Meghan Markle,

Related: Prince Harry, Meghan Markle

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are their children, Prince Azi and Princess Lelibat. A family and friends of the couple told “We Weekly” in the cover story of August, “They bring their children to school, pick them up, and they are active all day, and they are with them all day.” According to […]

Sources continue to say that before the ceremony, Harry “spent a long time with all the winners.”

They added: “He is just chatting with them, and even learned about them first, so this is intimate and touching.” “He is good at this kind of thing and hangs with the children.”

In the same event, Harry also spoke to the crowd to share details about his father’s journey.

He said: “As a parent, I understand the emotional roller coaster of parenting.” “But when I heard that many of your mothers take care of, dad and family will provide them; ; And the battle you struggle every day-I am really awesome.

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