World News

President Trump urges suppression of Christians in the face of Iranian regime

Iran reportedly launched a new crackdown on Iranian Christians this month after re-arrested two men.

According to a report on the website of the British NGO on February 10, which aims to protect religious freedom in Iran, two Christians in the 1960s were sentenced to six years in prison for six years to meet their leadership The church has been re-arrested.”

Iranian regime intelligence officers re-arrested two Christians, Nasser Navard Gol-Tapeh and Joseph Shahbazian, and brutal Evan in Tehran (Evin) was imprisoned in prison. Article 18 states that Gol-Tapeh is reportedly on a hunger strike against an “illegal revocation” clause that represents the promotion of persecuted Iranian Christians.

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A huge mural of the Iranian supreme leader on March 8, 2020 in Tehran. (Kaveh Kazemi/Getty Images)

Article 18 says: “Many other Tehranian Christians were also arrested and detained at the same time.”

Iranian Americans and Iranian dissidents urge the Trump administration to take punitive measures against human rights violations of the ubiquitous Iranian regime, while also taking punitive measures against Tehran’s instrumental domination.

“Iranian Christians are persecuted by the Islamic regime. The Trump administration should publicly emphasize their plight while exerting the greatest economic and diplomatic pressure on the regime,” Iranian expert Alireza Nader told Fox News Digital.

According to the Christian advocacy group OpenDoors 2025 Annual Report, Wahied Wahdat-Hagh, the leading expert in religious minorities in Iran, told Fox News that “Christian discrimination in Iran is still very serious, with a score of 86 in 100 Among the points, it ranks 9th among the countries with the most severe Christian persecution.

He added: “The government’s view is that Christians threaten national security, and believe that they have been influenced by Western countries to undermine Islam and the regime. As a result, Christian converts face serious religious freedoms, including arrests. [and] Long-term imprisonment. ”

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Christianity in Iran

A girl illuminates a candle in the monastery of Santa Dedes in Caleran, Iran. (Adis Easaghlian/Middle East Pictures/AFP via Getty Images)

Wahdat-Hagh continued: “Those who leave Islam and follow Christianity are the most vulnerable. They are denied legal recognition and are often targeted by security forces.”

An Iranian Christian fled Iran to Germany’s faith without persecution, this is Sheina Vojoudi.

She told Fox News Digital Numbers: “As faith in Islam continues to decline in Iran, the important growth of Christianity has made the Islamic Republic a theocratic dictatorship of an oppressive environment.

The horrible situation for Christians in Iran prompted Mai Sato, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Iranian human rights, to issue a wake-up call in a video speech organized by Article 18. Worry about the issues we continue to pay attention to. ” she said.

Report warning says warning

The latest report on religious freedom in Iran (2023) from the U.S. State Department (2023) states: “The government continues to regulate Christian religious practices. The ban on Christian worship in Farthy, formal reports and state-owned media continue to describe family private churches as private churches in the family.” Illegal Networks” and “Zionist Propaganda Organizations”.

Due to the widespread repression of faith, the number of Christians in Iran is difficult to determine. According to a report by the State Council, the Iranian regime’s statistics center claims that there were 117,700 recognized sects in the 2016 census.

Iranian women prisoners sat in a cell in Tehran's Evan prison on June 13, 2006.

Iranian women prisoners sat in a cell in Tehran’s Evan prison on June 13, 2006. (Reuters/Morteza Nikoubazl)

Boston University’s 2020 World Religion Database states that there are about 579,000 Christians in Iran, while Article 18 estimates 500,000 to 800,000. The number reported by the public door is 1.24 million.

The Trump administration reinstated its campaign to overturn Tehran’s nuclear weapons and stop the spread of Islamic terrorism in early February.

“It is time for European countries and the United States to take meaningful action not only to support them in supporting terrorism and extremist groups, but also through the international stage,” Vojoudi, an associate researcher at the Institute of International Gold International Strategy, told Fox News Digital. Prosecuting terrorist and extremist groups because it violates one of the most basic human rights: religious freedom.

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“This is not only crucial to the safety of Christian converts, but also reaffirms the value of freedom and human dignity that these countries claim to uphold.”

Several Fox News digital news questions about the Iranian Foreign Ministry and its UN mission in New York did not return. Fox News Digital asked if the government was released from Iranians just because of practicing Christianity.

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