56 home office ideas sure to inspire productivity

Now that working from home in some form is here to stay, whether full-time or flexible, it’s time to perfect your set-up, Need home office ideas? To start with, investing in a proper desk and office chair is well worth your time. Our surroundings have a profound effect on our state of mind, which makes planning a home office or workspace especially important. From the desk lamps to the desk accessories, wallpaper to paint, there are so many elements that can influence the space. The decor of a study is of utmost importance – a carefully designed space could even improve creativity and work productivity.
These design ideas may inspire a reworking of your own office space, whether it’s merely a table in the corner of your living area or a study of its own. The only problem? Once you have your home office set up, you may never want to go back to into work.
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