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Palantir CEO Alex Karp has a new book on Silicon Valley: “The time to count is here” – Palantir Technologies (NASDAQ: PLTR)

One from Palantir Technology pltr CEO and Co-founder Alex Karp A unique perspective on the role of the company and how Silicon Valley lost. The book was released at a time when Palantir stock surged over the past year.

what happened: Head of affairs at Karp and Palantir Nicholas Zamiska Co-authored the new book “Technical Republic: Hard Power, Soft Faith, and the Future of the West”, which acts as a manifesto on data analytics companies.

TechCrunch reported that in the book, Karp and Zamiska said: “The Silicon Valley has lost its way.”

The book delves into the close relationship between Silicon Valley and the U.S. government and how it can help the region grow.

The two said the government is now developing new technologies with private sector companies, while Silicon Valley is “focusing on narrow consumer products.”

The duo wrote that Silicon Valley looks different today, the area belongs to online advertising and shopping, video sharing platforms and social media.

“The talents of a generation have been misled astray. The West has arrived.”

The book describes projects such as “timid leadership” and “intellectual fragility” that leave the United States vulnerable to global threats.

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Why it matters: The book aims to change the transformation and restore the rise of Silicon Valley.

“The software industry should rebuild its relationship with government and redirect its efforts and focus to build technology and artificial intelligence capabilities to address the most pressing challenges we face together.”

The authors say the government must also embrace the Silicon Valley mentality again to make both projects successful.

The release date of this book is after this Donald Trump He was sworn in as president in January.

Some commentators of the book asked about the timing of the book and whether Trump won the 2024 election.

KARP previously talked about Palantir’s unique path to becoming the S&P 500. Karp highlights how Palantir’s unique approach focuses on building a great product, which is the key to its success.

“We made the best products in the world. We started in a region where the Western Secret service. We moved to specifications in the U.S. commercials and entered our business globally,” explains Karp.

Capp said some analysts believed Palantir was a “Frankenstein monster powered by freak show leaders” before becoming a profitable company.

PLTR price action: Palantir shares closed 10.53% on Monday to $90.68. Last year, Palantir stock rose more than 280%.

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