NewsChannel 5 says it’s ‘aggressively’ working to keep popular meteorologist Bree Smith on air
新聞頻道5 台經理理查德·埃勒在給《田納西州報》的電子郵件中表示,新聞頻道5“積極”努力讓受歡迎的氣象學家布麗·史密斯留在台上並續簽她的contract.
Smith’s last day was January 10, and neither she nor WTVF let viewers know ahead of time that she was leaving after nine years on the air. It wasn’t until four days later that Smith, 43, confirmed to The Tennessean and her Facebook page that she no longer worked at the station.
That prompted thousands of comments from viewers who expressed displeasure with Smith’s departure and the fact that she didn’t get a live goodbye or thank you from NewsChannel 5.
Former News Channel 5 meteorologist Bree Smith at her home in Hendersonville, Tennessee, on July 20, 2021
At the time, Smith declined to discuss the negotiations, saying only that her contract was over.
Over the weekend, the station manager said in an email that executives wanted Smith to stay.
“While we cannot reveal specific details out of respect for Bree’s privacy, we can tell you that we are actively working to reach an agreement that would keep Bree on the job, but we are disappointed that those negotiations were not successful,” Eller wrote. .
Eller declined to comment directly on why Smith did not say goodbye on air, again citing concerns about her privacy, but said it was her choice to leave quietly.
“Bree has been a valued member of our weather team for many years, and we know that means our viewers will also be sad to see her go,” he wrote.
“We are very fortunate to have a team that has been in the newsroom and in the community for many years. Many of us have been working together for a long time. Like any other business, sometimes people decide to leave for a variety of reasons.
“If someone is making this change, we usually take cues from them about what kind of recognition they want. Some people want a grand farewell, some like to leave quietly, and others want to go away quietly. Take some time and then decide.
Bree Smith at home in Hendersonville in 2021
Smith did not immediately respond to an email and text message requesting response to the station’s statement.
She said last week she planned to stay in Nashville. “I plan to be a mom and a meteorologist,” Smith added, without elaborating on her plans.
After leaving the station, Smith remains active on her social media, posting about the weather and offering advice on staying warm in the freezing cold.
Contact Brad Schmitt at or 615-259-8384.
This article originally appeared in Nashville Tennessean: Bree Smith: NewsChannel 5 says it’s ‘aggressively’ working to keep her on air