World News

36 “Millennial Complaints” I’m Sure Gen Z, Gen X, and Baby Boomers Can All Agree on

“Boomer complaints” have been trending online for some time.

Sdi Productions/Getty Images

For example, this includes bringing back a laptop with a DVD player:

Twitter: @theereal_one

Baby boomers complain about QR codes in restaurants:

Twitter: @ImpatienTourist

Speaking of restaurants, the music there is too loud:



Twitter: @cinemaxwell

My personal favorite, “Can I get your email?” is enough as a receipt thing!

Twitter: @Daniel_W12

Everyone can rally behind that one person.

Well, we have a new complaint: the Millennial complaint.

Group of six women of different ages and ethnicities wearing matching pink shirts standing against white brick wall smiling and holding hands together

Studio Prostock/Getty Images

@yeeeerika asked: “I don’t want to hear your biggest complaint about baby boomers. What is your biggest complaint about millennials?”

Twitter: @yeeeerika

Here are some of the best:

1. Everything is an app:



Twitter: @AshleyA_Jones

2. No more family gatherings:

Twitter: @jess_tajada

3. High socks fashion trends:

Twitter: @Lacey4health

4. There are so many things that go viral:

Twitter: @cannablissful

5. “Every electronic device stops working after the warranty period ends”



Twitter: @ozankarakoc

6. “reddit” must be added to the end of every Google search to get good results:

Twitter: @aletoowell

7. Comedy is no longer as funny as it was from 2002 to 2014:

Twitter: @ArmenTaylor

8. “The internet is more fun when everyone is off it”

Twitter: @artetak

9. There are so many previews in the cinema:



Twitter: @hautePJones

10. You must create an account for all content:

Twitter: @F1mech

11. “People should wear high heels in clubs”

Twitter: @marissamarie25

12. Apple removes headphone jack from phone:

Twitter: @mlockwoodporter

13. Song is too short:



Twitter: @laurenolmeda

14. “Millennials seem to be the only generation properly educated in media literacy”

Twitter: @BethSnowFoster

15. The computer needs more USB ports:

Twitter: @Lindsay2QT4CG

16. Glass Snapple Bottle:

Twitter: @thejonbutter

17. Skinny jeans are quality jeans:



Twitter: @MsCroptopolis

18. Birthday marketing emails should include promotional codes:

Twitter: @TheNotoriousLEX

19. Cars should not have touch screens:

Twitter: @Jbandos

20. Cable TV is better:

Twitter: @missmayn

twenty one. Bombshell:



Twitter: @Lyzasterous

twenty two. “I miss the Olsen twins and wish they were still doing things”

Twitter: @iryelin

twenty three. The movie is too long:

Twitter: @NowPlayingPod

twenty four. Everyone old and young doesn’t know how to use a computer:

Twitter: @ohnolan

25. People need to stop wearing pajamas in public:



Twitter: @Melanie_Balke

26. “The house I grew up in cost $91,000 in 2000. Now it’s $341,000.”

Twitter: @Smiley_Dank

27. iPhone no longer comes with a charger:

Twitter: @sad_banger

28. “Mall food court is terrible”

Twitter: @jasonchen16

29. There are so many series that should just be movies:



Twitter: @alisonaglitter

30. “I heard Green Day on the oldies station the other day.”

Twitter: @CourtJesster83

31. No more discolored spoons in cereal boxes:

Twitter: @puddinghead333

32. “I miss AOL chat rooms”

Twitter: @The_Warlock_86

33. Microsoft Office used to be free on PC:

Twitter: @flibby1094

34. No more voicemail:

Twitter: @kenzianidiot

35. you can’t stream spice world Anywhere:

Twitter: @snmrrw

36. Finally, “Things were a lot better in the 1990s.”

Twitter: @DylanTweetin

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