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NBA DAD LAVAR BALL reveals the cause of amputation: “Still for more than a month in the hospital”

Laval ball Detailed why he had recently undergone surgery to remove his right foot.

In Lavar’s article, the father of an NBA player Lonzo,,,,, Liangelo and Lamelo BallFor SLAM magazine published Tuesday, March 18, the amputation was a result of a foot infection spreading into Lavar’s blood, leaving him in the hospital for “more than a month.”

“Because I didn’t pay attention to my diabetes… I ended up having to amputate my limbs,” wrote Lavar, co-founder of Sports Apparel Brand Ball Baller Brand. “First, they cut off a few toes and then they cut off my foot. Three surgeries.

TMZ First, it was reported that Lavar had surgery in February and the businessman will share social media with fans earlier this month. See dancing Hardaway“What is love?” In a video released on March 5, Lavar seems to be full of passion, allowing the camera to pour his amputation into it.

Lavar’s article read further: “I looked at the situation: I’ve talked to some of my people, who are people of my age.” “They said, “We think we’ve got it, but we don’t,’ so the organs are tearing inside. These people are dying now. These are my friends who died of cancer in the 1950s. Just to get me to cut off my feet, I have another one. I was glad to cut my foot off instead of dying. ”

Laval also praised his family for helping him over the past few months. “Seeing what my boys are doing there, they’re like, ‘Dad you’re the toughest guy I’ve ever known.’ That keeps me going,” he wrote. “Even if I’m a bad guy – I don’t need much – one thing I got from my boys is great.

Just a few days ago, Lavar revealed that he returned to the weight room and posted an Instagram video of himself lifting dumbbells at the home gym. The clip was sounded by Liangelo (aka Gelo) song “You Can Please” Glorilla.

Lavar shows perseverance – arguably known for promoting the career of Liangelo, 26, Tina Ball – Foreshadowed in the comments section of the video. Two Olympic putters Chuk Enekwechi “The older I am, I realize that Lavar and BBB have always been winners,” wrote.

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