Man heads to Bryson DeChambeau’s house, takes 5 swings and hits hole-in-one

Bryson DeChambeau and Jimmy in a video posted on DeChambeau’s YouTube channel.
Jimmy asked matter-of-factly the question that everyone who watched seemed to want to know.
What meeting What would happen if he broke the window?
However, Bryson DeChambeau has things done. Literally. Should Jimmy lose weight? Enter DeChambeau tries to throw the ball away at home Exceed A net set up near a makeshift tee box catches the stray as it enters the hole in the backyard.
Puzzled? That’s part of the appeal here. What’s happening in the video posted Thursday by two-time major champion DeChambeau isn’t traditional tee-to-second-shot-to-putt golf, a field in which DeChambeau has become a star and is thriving. Do this on YouTube media. There, he attempted a 50 from the front tee. He provides lessons. He’s tried a few challenges — including a recent one that sparked both curiosity and clicks.
Can he get a hole-in-one above his house? Shooting distance is about 100 yards. Clearance roof height is 33 feet. DeChambeau told himself he could shoot one on the first day, then, if he failed, two on the second, three on the third, and so on—and by the sixteenth day, he It worked. Millions of people watch.
Millions of people may also be wondering: How would Joe or Jane Schmo have fared?
Or Jimmy?
How about 100 yuan?
DeChambeau asked him to try it. In Thursday’s video, DeChambeau doled out cash through sponsors for various challenges, the last of which invited a man named Jimmy to his home to try for a six-figure payday. He can swing wherever he wants — from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., which DeChambeau thinks he will do, even though it will be a marathon.
He guessed it would take Jimmy 5 hours and 43 minutes.
“I think this challenge is going to have some ups and downs for him,” DeChambeau said in the film. “He’s really going to struggle right away. He’s not going to be comfortable. He doesn’t know how far to hit it. What’s a 95-yard field goal? When we tell him where the ball lands and where it’s going, I think he’s going to start getting into it. About three hours in, he’s going to start struggling. His back is going to hurt, everything is going to hurt, and I think in 5 hours and 43 minutes or something like that, he’s going to finish.
A shot? From a 54-degree wedge, he hits the ball long. “Hey, I got it from the Internet,” Jimmy said. “I’m very happy about it.”
Two shots? long.
Shoot three? This time, his angle was 58 degrees, again long.
Shoot four? Fixed high and on the right side.
How long is this going to last?
Another swing.
Five shots? exist. Jimmy’s ball landed to the left of the flag, where it rolled in and became the Ace.
one of the producers yelled. Bryson and Jimmy hug. They push each other away. They hug again. They pushed each other away again. Jimmy moves around. He threw his hat down. He ran to the backyard. Yes, he did. DeChambeau did some math. He took out his phone and the time showed 10:06.
Jimmy only needs six minutes.
“I took 134 damn balls,” DeChambeau said in the film, before throwing away his phone.
Jimmy then called his wife, Cady.
Jimmy said, “Well, we just won $100,000.”
Cady said, “What?”
Another good question.
Editor’s Note: To view the entire video, Please click here Or scroll directly below. To view other videos on DeChambeau’s channel, Please click here.