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MAFS’s Jamie and Doug revealed the “only” method of distinguishing the newborn twins

Doughea and Jamioz Taylor Hill/Getty Picture Club

Love at first sight and get married Alumni Jamie Ottis and Doug Haina Share the specific method of being able to distinguish the newly born of the twins.

The 38 -year -old Jamie and 41 -year -old Doug ushered in the twin son Hawkins Tyler and Huxley James. On Friday, in the latest question and answer film blog shared by “Hanging with the Hehners” YouTube channel, the couple specifically introduced how they distinguish the same babies.

“There are a few very good features,” Jamie said, holding Hawkins on his leg. “First of all, this little boy’s nose. He has a little red dot, which is our best identification factor.

At the same time, Doug pointed out that Huxley has a “elven -like” ears, which is “more important than Hawkins”, and Jamie added that Hawkin’s ears are “rounder”. There is also a red mark on the back of Huxley’s legs.

“This is the only way we distinguish them,” Jamie continued. “Especially because of [Hawkins] Blocks are very good. He has been short for a long time, but now he has become fatter. Now his face is almost round as Huxley’s face, so it is difficult to distinguish them. They are very similar.

MAFS's Jamie and Doug revealed the

Jamie Otis Haina and Doug Haina Thank you

Huxley and Hawkins are the third and fourth children of this couple. They ushered in Henley in August 2017 and welcomed their son Hendreks in May 2020 in May 2020. (Hendrix). Love at first sight and get married Season 1.

As for whether the couple intend to expand the scale of fertility in the future, Douge firmly stated that “no” is “no.” On the other hand, Jamie said, “It’s hard to say ‘not’.” But like it, never say forever.

Daoge admits, “I mean anything that may happen, but I am ‘not.” I have a’ not ‘attitude towards no children. Jamie replied: “You say ‘not’ to the four children, but we have four children.”

MAFS's relationship between Jamie Otis and Doug Hainan

Related: MAFS’s Jamie and Doug Hehner relationship timetable

Maintaining interpersonal relationships is a hard work -Jamie Otis and Doug Hainana admitted this in their marriage. The two met and married in the first season of “Love at first sight” in 2014. […]

Jamie announced in February 2024 that she was pregnant for her recent pregnancy and confirmed that she had twins next month.

“I have always wanted to be a twin mother,” she told her people March 2024.

She added at the time that she and Haina were “very excited”, but were “a little scared.” Jamie has been talking about his struggle in pregnancy. He had previously experienced abortion in July 2016, September 2018 and January 2019. However, she frankly told the fear of twins.

“The nerves of pregnancy after abortion have been out of control. I tried to keep myself calm and calm, but sometimes they defeated me,” she wrote on Instagram last year. “In the end, I know that I can’t control everything, and everything is responsible for God. I just pray that he will bless us with two healthy babies.

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