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M. Night Shyamalan’s weirdest movie is now on Netflix

Chris Snellgrove | publishing

One of the reasons why the horror genre often feels stale is that the boring director has used up new ways to surprise us. After all, how terrible is going to happen when you can always guess what is going to happen? If you want a man’s weird twists and turns, you no way Completely predicted, you are lucky: M. Night Shyamalan’s trap Now streaming on Netflix.

Traps on Netflix

Before streaming trap On Netflix, you should know that it has a simplified plot involving a man taking his daughter to a concert featuring her favorite singer. Unfortunately, the entire incident was a massive police operation designed to trap ruthless serial killers. And, since that killer happens to be dear daddy, he spends the rest of the movie while trying to escape the authorities while maintaining the prince’s charming charm, which has fooled everyone for so long.

trap Starting with the lead actor Josh Hartnett (arguably the most famous one). Black Hawk fell and Lucky Number Slevin). It also starred Ariel Donoghue, who has Blue back and TV shows A wolf like me. Alison Pill Scott Pilgrim and the World and Midnight in Paris) and Hayley Mills (most famous Pollyanna and original Parent Trap).

Of course, if you’re considering watching trap On Netflix, it might be because you are already a fan of director M. Night Shyamalan. He is the horror idol behind the movie Sixth sense and Logothe film continues his tradition of turning weird genres to ears. For better or worse, trap It’s also a family matter, Shyamalan’s daughter Saleka Night Shyamalan plays Hartnett’s own screen daughter’s obsessed music superstar.

The budget is $30 million, trap It earned $83.6 million in box office before hitting Netflix. It’s a healthy margin that shows why horror is still the most reliable movie genre in ticket sales. That being said, there are currently no plans for a sequel, although unbreakable Know that when fans least expect it, Shyamalan is not afraid to return to the old franchise.

On rotten tomatoes, trap Has a 57% key rating. Critics often praise Joshua Hartnett’s performance, but point out that the film’s sarcastic tone may be divided with the general audience. As for the average audience, the movie has a popcorn table rating of 65%, which means casual moviegoers prefer this unconventional horror movie than critics.

Now, I need to address some of the text on the wall…Writing is more obvious than Shyamalan’s cheesy dialogue. The film may be a box office hit, but it’s a critic’s stupidity that barely brings to fans’ radar. So, why checkout trapThis is a middle Netflix movie from the director who might have surpassed his peak?

Trap m night shyamalan

First of all, it’s worth streaming trap Just Hartnett’s performance on Netflix: His immoral character shows surprising sympathy, and it’s fun to watch the horror king (seriously re-watch how to look at it OK This man is teacher) Go back to his genre roots. It is fair to say that Hartnett has improved the writing of the film and even helped write some of the rough attractions in the script. This helps to remove the occasional excess of Shyamalan narrative, thus taking root in the impossible situation in Hartnett’s equally incredible charm.

Speaking of Shyamalan, trap It’s worth checking on Netflix (like me) for anyone who falls in love with the director’s iconic style. He was ridiculed for his “how twisted” storytelling format, but what makes trap It’s worth noting that it distorts our entire idea of ​​how to tell a story. It’s a horror movie, scattered with an action movie, which is the same as any other movie of any other type

Will you find it? trap Like you play on Netflix, as novel and charming as me, or is this Shymalan movie that makes you wish you were dead? You don’t know until you play it yourself. Just prepared to say “I see the dead” over and over again and then owing the film to this unpredictable horror movie.

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