JoJo is “not sober” but has “appropriate practices” to stay “sober”

Joanna “JoJo” Levesque Continuously strive to cope with the “ups and downs” of life.
“I don’t know who I would be without my family and the friends that become family, but I definitely have my ups and downs,” JoJo, 34, exclusively said. US Weekly Thursday, January 23, while promoting her natural gas liquefaction company EP. “I thought I would never be my parents, and I judged them very harshly at some point as they struggled with their own addictions.”
She added, “Then I find myself like, ‘Oh, just because it doesn’t come out like this, I’m acting like an addict.'” I’m just doing things that impact my life and the lives of others, and I have to Check yourself multiple times.
JoJo further explained that after realizing that addiction can manifest in many ways, she is “constantly” examining herself to become the healthiest version of herself.
“I think I need to really realize that I have some tendencies,” the singer told us. “So, that’s why it’s done differently. I’m not sober, but [I go through] period [not drinking]for example, I’m doing a Dry January event, or I’m not drinking on tour. Overall, I don’t like to overindulge, and I’m grateful for that. I’ve always liked going crazy. I don’t want to lose my mind again.
“I’m learning day by day,” she added.
JoJo detailed her drinking experience in her 2024 memoir, Beyond impact. In the book, she reveals that her parents, both addicts, met in Alcoholics Anonymous and had a rocky relationship that ended in divorce. Meanwhile, JoJo revealed that in addition to what she described as an addiction to love, sex and approval, she also struggled with alcoholism.

US Weekly“I was completely addicted to love and approval, sex and excitement,” she wrote in her memoir, claiming she had cheated on a former partner. “I was wallowing in it and biding my time before telling my man I was the worst person in the world. The kill switch was on and I was reacting to jocks. I mean, at this point, if I wasn’t A self-betrayal and overindulgent fool, so what am I? Somehow, I convinced myself that it didn’t matter.
while talking with usJoJo noted that she doesn’t “really regret” being so open and vulnerable in her life. beyond influence.
“This is my story, look, if I were writing it a year from now or five years from now, would I be telling a different story? Probably, [or] In different ways,” she said Thursday. “But that’s what the story is.”
Since then, JoJo has put her past struggles behind her to be able to embrace a positive, healthy relationship with a new partner.
“That’s what my song ‘Ready to Love’ is about. I was like, ‘I want to make room in my life for someone who’s ready to love, who’s ready to be vulnerable, to be responsible, to have fun, to grow with, etc. Space,'” Qiaoqiao said. “I do think it took me a long time to understand myself well enough to be able to say yes to the things that really felt like yes and to say no to those things, and to be able to leave the things that weren’t right for me and also be able to Show up, but provide someone with a safe space [and] First, providing a safe space for myself.
She added, “I do think it’s a great season of my life where I feel more present and ready for things that are meaningful to me.”
“Ready for Love” is one of the songs on JoJo’s EP natural gas liquefaction companydropping on Friday, January 24th.
“I can’t believe it’s been four years since I put out another EP, which just means it’s about ownership and empowerment,” JoJo tells us. “This is my first independent album, and the theme of this album is being single, moving to a new city, feeling strong, and feeling more comfortable and confident in your own skin than before.”
natural gas liquefaction company It’s out now.
Reporting by Christina Garibaldi