Jenelle Opens Up the Sister Wives Wardrobe Fans Really Want

sister wives fans look forward to Janelle Brown Today they gave up on returning to my sister wife’s closet only to read the disclaimer saying they would be back soon.
Fans of the TLC series have been waiting years for that closet door to open again. But today it seems that Janelle not only opened another wardrobe, but also created some popular items that attracted the attention of fans.
Sister Wives: Jenelle Brown won’t let publicity go to waste
this sister wives A few seasons ago, viewers saw Kody Brown sitting around a table with his four wives. The topic of this family discussion is their online store My Sister Wife’s Wardrobe.
Janelle Brown, the family’s bookkeeper, and her wives, Meri Brown and Christine Brown, also participated in the discussion. But Robin Brown didn’t like where the conversation was going.

During that roundtable, Robin openly stated that she needed help with an online website. She then asked her then-wife for help. But they seemed surprised that she called it a family store.
another sisters wives The spouse seems to think the store is Robin’s baby. So do fans, as the fourth wife usually calls hers. So the other three wives politely declined. They both had jobs that took up their time, but Robin didn’t.
My wife is too busy…
While Robyn was struggling with her online store, the first three sister wivesMeri Brown, Janelle Brown, and Kristen Brown all have several side jobs to make money. They work hard and contribute to the family’s finances.
But Robin has no other money-making ventures; this is her only side hustle. So, it looks like she stuck to her guns. Not getting the help she asked for may be why the store still doesn’t offer anything for sale.
Some sister wives Fans believe keeping it closed is a power play for the youngest wife. They even view it as an attempt at control. Viewers see the youngest wife trying to set up a system where she can delegate work to her wives.
As such, fans believe Robin showed that she wouldn’t do it alone if no one was willing to help her. While the website still exists, there are still no products for sale. Many fans feel that Robin gave up on this and missed out on a chance to make money.
Sister Wives: Jenelle’s Wardrobe Open to Fans
The same cannot be said for Janelle Brown today. No, she opened another closet and sister wives Fans are buzzing about the content.
Janelle Brown has rounded up some of the vitriolic exchanges witnessed during the show’s final seasons. Many of the flippant comments were made by Cody on Janelle’s behalf.
For example, Cody used “Teflon Queen” on Janelle. Fans were excited about Cody using the word while going after Jenelle.

They were fighting when he yelled at Janelle. It sounded like he was trying to say she was lying. But what spewed out of his angry mouth was the Teflon Queen.
but sister wives Fans were quick to comment on how he took the quote out of context. So he called Jenelle Brown the “Teflon Queen,” but in the wrong way. Now she sells a T-shirt with her ex-husband’s misused term emblazoned across the chest.
Janelle took other Kody-related words and assigned them to a T-shirt. See the example above from TLC series fan favorite Janelle Brown.
Return to Soap Dirt for the latest news sister wives.