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General Hospital Predictions: Monica Quartermaine’s Future Story?

general hospital Forecast see monica quartermaineNow her actor is about to die, Leslie Charlessonalready dead. Sadly, there’s more tragedy to come for the Q family on the ABC soap opera.

General Hospital tragedy: Leslie Charlesson dies

Recently, there was news that general hospital, Leslie Charlesson, star of the traditional role of Monica Quartermaine for nearly 50 years, has died at the age of 79.

However, there is speculation that she is battling a long-term illness, possibly cancer. countless general hospital The actors still expressed their love for Leslie Cheung and will miss her deeply. Her loss will be forever.

General Hospital: Monica Quartermaine (Leslie Charlesson)

Monica Quartermaine GH Drop

After the death of Leslie Charleson in real life, it was inevitable that the death of Monica Quartermaines would follow. general hospital. Recently, Tracy Quartermaine (Jane Elliot) and her best friend Stella Henry (Winnie Watson) talked about Monica.

Trish tells Stella about her long and checkered history with Monica. She then worried about how Monica’s eventual death would affect her family. These scenes are beautiful and well-timed, as they air the day after news of Leslie’s death broke.

perhaps, general hospital The powers that be suspect her death is imminent. She’s been having health issues for a while and they’ve kept her off the screen for a while. The last time she was on TV was around Christmas 2023, when she was in a wheelchair.

However, she is often mentioned, and usually “upstairs” in her room. Sometimes, family members would talk to her on the phone, and she was a constant presence around the Q mansion. But now that Leslie is no longer with us, Monica’s story must end. However, her legacy will live on forever.

General Hospital Prediction: Leslie Charlesson tragedy triggers Monica Q’s death?

Recently, it was mentioned that Monica wouldn’t leave her bedroom because she was shocked by Michael Corinthos’ (Chad Duell) recent brush with death. He’s still fighting for his life GH.

She’s also distraught over the scandal involving Drew Kane Quartermaine (Cameron Matheson). But soon, Leslie’s death will need to be general hospital.

Monica will most likely die peacefully in her sleep. However, it remains a tragic loss for Quartermaine and all of Port Charles.

Keep tissues handy because there are a lot of tear-jerking scenes ahead GH. Stay tuned to see how Monica Quartermaine’s story ends on the ABC daytime drama.

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