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Ranking Sonny Corinthos

General Hospital fans love Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard). Now, he is incorporating his latest romance with Natalia Rogers Ramirez (Eva Larue). Apparently, she had a last name at some point. But, there are a lot of fans who really hate them. But let’s face it, she’s not the worst woman Sonny has ever had. This is Belynda from Soapy Pure and we’ll talk about Sonny’s absolutely worst relationship. From very bad to absolutely terrible rankings.

If you are a long-term observer, you know that Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) has had a lot of romance over the past three decades. You know, he has some epic love, Carly Corinthos (formerly played by Sarah Joy Brown) and Brenda Barrett (Vanessa Marcil), who come to mind. But for the most part, Sonny seems to have a truly terrifying taste in his romantic partner. So, seven ladies stand out. I think being Sonny’s worst pairing would be in trouble in history. We will be lowered from seventh place. A pairing of polarized fans until first. I think there is no doubt that Sonny has the absolute worst romance in general hospitals. And, we’ll see if you agree with our true, truly horrible opinions. OK, let’s dive in.

Ranking Sonny Corinthos’ Worst Love: General Hospital Review

Seventh place: Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) and Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros). You have to start with your recent romance. It originally came out of the left field. So it has been very divided from the beginning. People love or hate Sunny with Nina Reeves. Fanatics really have no middle ground. Some people think it is a breath of fresh air. Others saw the strangeness of the flames that they wanted to see.

Because Sonny suffers from amnesia, and Nina knows exactly who he is. His family thought he was dead. So they were mourning him. This is very problematic. Also, you know, Nina is going to tell Carly. However, when she hates her over the phone, Nina decides to keep the secret. Of course, this rubs fans the wrong way. Amnesia Sonny (Aka Mike) fell for Nina. He thought he had met her recently. When he recalled his memory, Sonny was obviously angry with Nina. But then he moved on, he divorced Carly and married Nina anyway. If it weren’t for that SEC call, they might still be married.

General Hospital: Stockholm Sunny?

So some fans think Sonny is a bit like Stockholm syndrome with Nina because she keeps him away from her family, just away from her. But, you know, Sonny felt very deeply attached to her and couldn’t let her go. He even divorced Carly and was with Nina. This pairing is indeed split among fans. Some say it’s the worst thing ever, they angrily say Sonny should have been back with Carly, others really like Nina and still want them to be reunited to this day. I actually like them, but I know a lot of people don’t, so that’s why she’s on our list of worst romantic pairings, but far from the worst.

Sonny and Margaux Dawson’s problem pairing

Sixth, the second terrible ship with Sonny is what we want to talk about is Margaux Dawson. Do you still remember her? Many fans think she is one of Sonny’s absolutely worst relationships, but for me it’s not the worst, and that’s really bad. I do love the actress Elizabeth Hendrickson who plays her. She ended up on the repetitive Y&R. But I would say it was almost the least favorite character she ever played.

Margaux suddenly appears when Port Charles Da desperately tries to forget him because he killed his father decades ago. But it turns out that Sonny is not going to blame his death. Still, Margaux is inclined to throw him in jail regardless of the cost. But then, since Sonny’s naughty debris was basically any woman at Port Charles, Margaux hit the sheet with him. The fan opinion is that the whole thing dating him and shaking is stupid and awkward, and it is ridiculous that she goes from hating him to her lover so fast. In addition, their chemistry is not as good as stars and there is no spark seen. I think the fan opinion killed the pair, and then Margaux rolled out of Sonny’s bed and slipped away from town again and could never see it again.

When law enforcement and love clash: Sonny and Hannah Scott

No.5 on our countdown list: Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) and Hannah Scott. Oh my god, it seems like Teflon Don isn’t bad enough with the District Attorney, you know, Sonny has also been involved in the past with law enforcement ladies like FBI agent Hannah Scott. She went undercover, and soon after, the federal agent seduced Sonny and was on his cover. She was supposed to sue him for the goods, and then she fell in love with him. When Sonny was also obsessed with her, it was predictable and almost painful to watch her.

One of Hannah’s only benefits is that GH brought A. Martinez to play her father, Roy Duca, and he was as enjoyable as ever. Sonny found her a delicacy and threw her out, but like those cowboys on Broke Hill, Hannah couldn’t quit. She kept begging Sunny’s love machine, but he would never forgive her. Finally, Hannah and her drama pardoned Sonny A from the FBI, but fans just found the romance to be totally unforgivable and they really didn’t like it. Now, while Sunny pairs with Hannah is trash, her time at GH is not completely bankrupt. The actress who plays her, Lisa Voltaggio, meets her future husband, Jonathan Jackson, aka the lucky Spencer (Jonathan Jackson) behind the scenes. They have been married since 2002 and they have three children. That was a great romantic pairing.

General Hospital - Sonny Corinthos
General Hospital – Sonny Corinthos

Reese Marshall: Another Federal Agent belongs to Sonny’s charm

Well, five years after Hannah Scott’s collapse, and another bad romance shows us Sonny didn’t learn about the lady because then he was tangled with another female federal agent who couldn’t appeal with his son’s man’s parts. Reese goes from Sonny to him to bed. But then her shaky brother Rick Hearst betrayed him.

Reese and Ric hide the dirty secret, but eventually Sonny finds out and throws her to the side of the road. To increase the insulting injury, she pierced her lungs in a train crash and died. That’s not to be missed by the pairing fans, and not many people are sad to see Reese go.

Claudia Zacchara: Mob’s convenient marriage went wrong

In our third place in our countdown, away from the hot chicks with guns and badges, we headed in the other direction, and it was the next romantic disaster. Fans were really excited when they heard the first actress to play Carly, Sarah Joy Brown. She is a brunette bombshell lady young man Claudia Zacchara.

When she first showed up, she had a one-night stand with Sonny, then she was tangled with his brother Rick Hearst, and later, he was completely fascinated by her. When she was a teenager, she was still fascinated with Rick’s father, so just ew. She had a convenient mob marriage with Sonny to consolidate power, and then she began to fall for Sonny, which was a little embarrassed as she shot his son, Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell), trying to kill the others. Things got worse when Claudia deliberately made her pregnancy an insurance policy against Sonny’s killing her, just like Ava/Avery Vibe. But then she lost her baby. It’s a mess that Sonny reveals her character in a public shooting.

The good news is that Sunny doesn’t have to pay legal fees to divorce her, as Claudia kidnapped Carly in an attempt to steal Jocelyn’s (Eden McCoy’s) baby while Michael blows his stepmother to death on his head and kills her. Like a good friend, Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) buried the body in the woods. Fans absolutely cheered for her death and the end of the storyline. What is really notorious is Sarah Brown being a great actress, but her recruitment is off track because after she got on board, the writer’s strike hit. That’s like 2008, and in the end, the scab writer just didn’t have justice, it was a very bad Sunny pairing, his worst.

Emily Quartermaine: A sweet and innocent romance

In our second countdown, from ladies agents to DAs to female mob bosses, where do you evaluate Sonny’s bad road romance from? Well, you can be very sweet and innocent adoptive sister Emily Quartermaine (initiated by Amber Tamblyn as a character) with your mob executor’s best friend Jason Morgan (Steve Burton). This pairing is so bad because she is so good. While Carly was in a psychiatric hospital, Emily was helping Sonny go out with the kids. She was raped, it was horrible, and then her husband, Nikolas Cassadine (Tyler Christopher), deceived her, you know, things got worse.

So Emily moved into Sonny’s position while dealing with her trauma and heartbroken and helping him. That’s the only reason I think Sweet Emily will fall on Mobster Sonny, just near the roof. The age gap is embarrassing, the facts don’t have much in common, so she’s Jason’s sister, which is bad news, and for me, it’s also very forced for most fans. OK OK OK OK OK She is not in Nikolas now and Carly is locked up, so let’s throw it on the wall and see if it sticks. It didn’t stick, it just smelled.

So fans almost hate the whole pairing, and then Sonny fell into a mental health spiral. He was diagnosed with bipolarity and abandoned Emily because he thought it was too much for her. She ended up with Nikolas, which freed her from this bad imagination of Sonny’s romance, his worst. Unfortunately, the text killer caught her and took her life.

The most offensive and horrifying: Sonny’s relationship with Karen Wexler

Well, this is the one you’ve been waiting for. Along with all the other ladies we mentioned, you might be wondering how romance is probably worse than this [the] Others on the list. So the young lady was actually one of his first romances. I think, in fact, Maurice Benard was his first romantic companion when he joined the general hospital cast in the early 1990s. And it seems that the General Hospital has no plans to stay with him for thirty years. Because when they brought him in, Sonny was a real villain at first. He’s Skeevy’s bad. This is where this romance takes place.

So if you don’t know who I’m talking about, it’s Karen Wexler (Cheryl Richardson). If you haven’t remembered her since then, you should definitely remember her when Jagger Cates (Adam Harrington) talks about her as part of his vendetta against Sonny. And you know, when Maurice Benard first came, he was introduced as a low-rent criminal. Sonny owns a strip club and Karen goes to high school. High school, please pay attention. He was in his 20s and in the early 30s, she was working in high school as a minor in his strip club. Sonny has the Heat for Karen. But she loves her high school boyfriend Jagger Cates (formerly played by Antonio Sabato Jr.).

General Hospital: Karen’s Cold

But Sonny got Karen into drugs and offered them so she could dance at his club. Then it also brought Sonny into her bed. This is totally disgusting. The age gap alone is enough to make fans cringe. He then let her striptease underage and gave her drugs until she slept with him was absolutely disgusting. They’ve certainly changed Sunny sharply since the early 90s. Now, he is the kind crime boss that most people like. But he was poisonous at that time, and his romance with Karen was nothing more than terrifying and horrifying. For me, it’s hard to deny that it was the worst romantic pairing he’s ever had at a general hospital.

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