Erin Lichy

Real housewife in New York City Star Erin LichyThe child is “so excited” about her and her husband Abe Lich Baby No. 4 is welcomed into their family.
“I know my daughter will be a little helper,” Erin, 37, told exclusively US Weekly While discussing Mezcalum’s partnership with Bartesian. “She talks about it every day. She’s like, “This is my child.” “So it will be fun. It will be great.”
Erin – Shared by Levi, 10, and Elijah, 4, and Layla, daughter of Abe, 41, who noted that their eldest son would be “helpful” but said “he was just his own life.” Meanwhile, Layla would be her first choice. “I will rely on Laila very often,” Erin said.
Erin and Erin and Abe know the gender of the baby, but are still keeping it private, feeling like their family has a fourth child on the way.
“We’re done. I feel like the family is complete,” she said. “I mean, it’s a disconnect in some way because I’m getting the other three closer together. It’s a five-year gap. I don’t remember half of my pregnancy experience because I was very frank a long time ago.”
Erin felt more connected with Shinzo Abe after her fourth pregnancy. “Our grooves are much better, just a good place. It’s probably because we’re old now,” she said. “We were just at different ages. I was 27 when I had my first child. I was just a different person.”

Part of age? Erin said she wasn’t doing anything “anything” ready. “Maybe it’s like the instinct of nesting comes in and hormones – I thought, ‘I need to start preparing, get the room ready and get soaked.” “I didn’t even really think about it. Is that crazy?”
Erin noted that every child is coming less and less, and she has fewer and fewer baby supplies, saying she is now “nothing” for baby No. 4. “This baby will be free to load anything that’s available in our apartment,” she quipped. “I know I have a great group of friends and family around me and I know people bring things. What do I really need in the beginning?”
When Erin starts preparing for the arrival of her fourth child, the brave personality “can’t wait” until she can have a cocktail (especially something similar to the Buttersian Mesa Calita capsule).

“We made a really amazing pod that tasted like our signature cocktail. It was really fresh. It was so delicious. I can’t even believe how good it is,” Erin told us. “Bartesian is amazing because it’s like Keurig for cocktails and the fact that everyone can taste Mezcalum at home is so it’s so exciting for us, so we took the opportunity to work with them.”
Report with Christina Garibaldi