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Derrick Hamfle

Derek Humphry was a British -born journalist. His experience helped his terminally ill wife to end her life in Eugene, Oregon on January 2. He is 94 years old.

His family announced his death at the end of his death.

With the talent of populism and the tricks of death, Mr. Hamfrah almost shot a single shot on the theory of deeply talking about the auxiliary of doctors’ suicide.

“He is a person who really places this career on the map of the United States,” said Ean Doubin, a professor at Prince Edward Prince of Edward Island, said that he is the author of “euthanasia: life and death, death, God and medicine”. (2005). “People who support doctors to assist suicide suicide must definitely thank him.”

In 1975, Mr. Humphry was a reporter from the Times of the London Sunday. At that time, his 22 -year -old wife Jean Humphry was in the final stage of advanced bone cancer. Hope to avoid long -term pain, she asked him to help her die.

Mr. Humphry purchased a batch of fatal painkillers from the sympathetic doctors and mixed it with the coffee in her favorite cup.

Mr. Hamfred said to Scotland’s daily record: “I gave her a cup and told her that if she drank, she would die immediately.” “Then I gave her a hug, kissed her, and we said goodbye.”

Mr. Humphry recorded the pursuit of his first wife in the 1979 book “Jean’s Way”.Credit…Norris Ryan Publishing House

Mr. Humphry recorded the emotional, taboo and legal pursuit of his wife’s death in “Jean’s Way” (1979). Ending on newspapers around the world is a feeling. The reader sent a letter to the editor and discussed the pain of his loved ones. Many people write directly to Mr. Hamfrey.

A lady wrote: “I hope we have a solution like you,” she described her husband’s last eight weeks as “horror”. “How beautiful, more ‘love’. We did what others forced us to do and experienced the terrible” death “medical community.”

In their letters, some readers pleaded to instruction to help their loved ones die. This prompted Mr. Humphry to remarry and work in California for Los Angeles Times in California. They considers establishing an organization to advocate suicide and termination of the right of illness.

His second wife Ann Wickett Humphry suggested to use the word Hemlock as the title of the organization. Granda was a man who discussed and planned to die, “Mr. Hamfrey later wrote the updated version of the” way “.

In August 1980, he and his wife rented the Los Angeles Publishing House Club, announcing the establishment of Hemlock Society, and they ran out of their garage in St. Monica.

The organization develops rapidly. In 1981, it released “let me die before waking up”, which is a drug and dose guide about “peaceful self -exchange”. The organization also lobby the state legislature to issue laws to make suicide legal. In 1990, the Temple Association moved to Eugene. By then, it had more than 30,000 members, but most of the dinner table at the United States had not yet arrived.

In 1991, after Mr. Hamffle published “the final exit: the practicality of self -extended and the practicality of dying suicide”, this situation has changed dramatically. This book is a gradual guide for pages 192. In addition to explaining suicide, it also provides as elegant quit skills like a ritual lady.

He wrote: “Unfortunately, if you have the obligation to end your life in a hospital or motel, you apologize for the shock and inconvenience caused by employees. Employees have left generous skills. “

“Final Export” quickly hit the hardcover consultation category of the New York Times bestseller list.

The biological ethicsist Dr. Arthur Caplan told Times Times (Times) in 1991 that this was frightened and disturbing, which indicates that euthanasia is euthanized to die What is the imminent problem in our society. Essence This is the biggest protest statement about how medicine should deal with terminal illness and dying. “

The reaction to the “final exit” is usually divided by ideology. Conservatives bombed it.

“What do you say about this new” book “? In a word: evil,” Leon R., a biological ethicist at the University of Chicago (I don’t want to read it, I don’t want you to read it. It will always be. Should not be written, and should not be commentable, let alone a article. “

However, progressists have accepted this book, although public health experts have expressed their attention to the methods it proposed can be used by frustrated people, and those who do not have terminal illness can use it.

“I have read the” finally withdrawal “out of curiosity, but I will retain it for another reason-because I can imagine that I have taken care of cancer patients, this is the day I might want to use,” the New York Times “” New York Times ” Columnist Anna Quindlen wrote. She added: “If that day, whose business is it, but the business of my own and the person I love?”

“We don’t have to worry about the content of this book.” We should find a way to ensure that there is dignity of dignity other than the chain bookstore outside the shopping center. “

Born in England on April 29, 1930, Derek John Humphry. His father, Royston Martin Humphry, is a travel salesman. HUMPHRY, his mother, was a fashion model before marriage.

After leaving school at the age of 15, Derek found a newspaper messenger. In the second year, Bristol Night World hired him as a reporter. He continued to report to Manchester’s evening news and “Daily Mail”, then moved to the London Sunday Times, and then went to the Los Angeles Times.

Before turning to a book about death, Mr. Hamfrah wrote “because they are black” (1971), which is a racial discrimination written by black social workers Guz John. (Black “(1972), racism and corruption about Scotland.

In the early news career of the UK, Mr. Hamfrey wrote books about racial relations, including the racism and corruption of Scotland in 1972 in 1972. Credit…Black Panther Book

Mr. Hamfrey is a polarized figure even in the exercise of rights.

In 1990, he and Ms. Wickett Humphry divorced and fought fiercely on the news media. She called him “fraud” and accused him of leaving her because she was diagnosed with cancer. Mr. Hamfrey denied the allegations.

He told the New York Times in 1990: “This is a very crumbling marriage. This is very painful, as bad as Jean Ji’s death. I lost my home; I lived in a motel. Three months.

Ms. Wicket Humphry committed suicide in October 1991.

In the video recorded the day before, she expressed doubt about the work they completed together, including helping her parents to end their lives at home.

She said in the video: “I left the house from that house, thinking that we were all murderers.”

He told the Thames that Mr. Hamfrer entered the “damage control” model. He wrote a half -page advertisement in the paper and explained the side of his story.

Advertising said: “Sadly, Ann’s (Ann) is mostly troubled by emotional issues.” He added: “The reason for suicide has never become part of Tieli Creed.”

Ms. Wickett Humphry’s death and preservation of Mustang Movement caused pressure from the Mustang Sports. Mr. Hamfrey resigned as an executive director in 1992 and established euthanasia research and guidance organizations.

Hemlock Society is eventually divided into several new groups, including Mr. Humphry’s help starting network.

He married Gretchen Crocker in 1991. Three grandsons; and a great -grandson.

The final withdrawal from the Internet “Exit Guide” Lowrey Brown to help patients with terminal illness plans to die. In an interview, he said that her customers sometimes praise Mr. Hamfrer and “the final exit” because they have the courage to end the end life.

Ms. Brown said: “It is the book that is Timo Society and the” final exit ‘book. “It really crosses the threshold for discussing the topic of ordinary Americans.” “You can talk about it on the Thanksgiving table.”

If you have the idea of ​​suicide, please call or SMS 988 to reach suicide and crisis life line or go to go List of other resources.

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