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Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Leo Stark Sets a Trap for the Whistleblower Lady

the days we live in Spoilers spill leo stark Set a trap for the new reporting lady. A young writer can’t believe the mystery man behind the keyboard has leaked spoilers for soap opera Body and Soul. All the exciting storylines plus casting gossip grace the pages of this gossip columnist. In fact, Leo accuses Harvey Hernandez The stories were stolen after peeking into his laptop. A false accusation ruined a budding romance. But now, the two agree they can still be friends. However, he wasn’t the one to give away the show’s best plot points. Can Leo catch Harvey’s new love? Kerry Yeomanwreaking havoc as the snitch lady in the NBC Peacock exclusive?

Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Leo Stark and Xavi Hernandez share a moment

Tour According to spoilers, Leo Stark (Greg Ricard) and Xavi Hernandez (Al Calderon) will soon share a tender moment. Leo hit it off with the new guy as soon as they met. However, the relationship between Leo and Xavi did not last long. Additionally, the writers of “Body and Soul” accused Harvey of stealing his idea for the new whistleblower lady.

After weeks of not really talking, Leo Stark and Xavi Hernandez finally reconcile Days of our lives. The author decided to believe Harvey. But instead of kissing and making up, they decided to become friends. After all, Harvey is dating Kerry Youngman (Derek Yates).

Days of Our Lives: Leo Stark

this week in sky, Leo shares a tender moment with Harvey. The spark between the two cuties is still there. But now that Kerry has joined, things are not going to be easy. Harvey Hernandez cares about Kerry. When the truth comes out, will Harvey and the author of “Body and Soul” reunite and leave Kelly behind?

DOOL Spoilers: Leo Sets a Trap for the Reporting Lady

the days we live in Recaps reveal that Leo Stark wants revenge on the new whistleblower. He has yet to discover the man’s true identity. However, fans have recently seen Kerry working on material for gossip columns. After Leo refuses, Kerry applies to become the new Whistleblower Lady. After all, the job was open and he was a big fan of the column.

Tour Fans watched as the former gossip columnist aired his displeasure with show producer Abe Carver (James Reynolds). Abe tells him that Stephanie Johnson (Abigail Klein) is investigating the origin of the Whistleblower Lady column. She knew where the check was going. But is finding the author enough?

Leo Stark sets trap for whistleblower lady this week the days we live in. In addition, he can “leak” false information about the show as bait for the writers. Will he find out that Carrey is the one now writing the spoiler article? Will Harvey break up with Kerry when the truth comes out in season 6 of the NBC soap?

Japanese spoilers: Will Leo find love?

the days we live in Fans are wondering if Leo will find love this year. After all, he’s done a lot of introspection and growth over the past few months. He thinks he and Xavi Hernandez are off to a good start. But the relationship ended before it began. Furthermore, he freaked out and falsely accused him of stealing his work.

Additionally, Harvey’s cousin Gabby Hernandez (Cherie Jiminez) thinks he should avoid Leo. Durr. She considered him unsuitable for her relations. However, they may be reunited after Kerry was revealed as the new whistleblower lady. Will Harvey and Leo get back together after Kerry is arrested?

watch days of our lives This week, Leo Stark takes on the Whistleblower Lady. He might be shocked to learn that it was Kerry Youman all along.

Return to Soap Dirt for the latest information Tour Spoilers and news.

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