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CSU provides free AI skills and training on all 23 campuses

The University of California State announced on Tuesday that it is believed to be one of the largest and most ambitious efforts in higher education to advocate artificial intelligence and take initiative to provide tools and training on the 23 campuses of the system.

With the ability to generate AI creation from the new content of training data, CSU is working hard to ensure that students in the country’s largest and most diverse public university systems can be fairly accessible to the technology. Nearly half of the 450,000 students of the CSU were low -income, and about 30 % were the first people in their families to go to college.

The university has invited the office of Governor Gavin Newsom and nearly twelve leading technology companies, including Microsoft, Yuan, NVIDIA, Openai, Intel, LinkedIn, Amazon Web Services and Alphabet-joined scholars. To help determine the labor force of the required AI skills in California and provide advice on how to teach them the best. Industry partners will also provide internships and apprentices to enable students to gain experience in the real world in their work.

CSU CHANCELLOR MILDRDGARCía said in a statement: “We proudly announced that this innovative and highly collaborative public and private initiative will make the CSU a global leader in higher education systems.” Comprehensive strategy will improve all our students in all students in all students in all students in all students in all students in all students in all students. Educational experience in the field of learning has given us teaching and research ability of teaching staff, and helping to provide good education for good education. These labor force will promote the future AI-Ader economy in California. “

Ed Clark at the CSU Chief Information Office said that the work began last year. Previously, science and technology leaders told the News Magazine Office that they could not find enough California or Americans, and they were equipped with the company’s requirements for the company’s requirements. AI skills. Clark said that although 30 of the top 50 AI companies in the world are located in California, they have hired more than half of the relevant labor forces internationally.

CSU leaders said that the new “digital gap” between their campuses is also increasingly worried. Some competitions move forward to provide AI tools and training for students and others without resources.

Last week, Nathan Evans, vice president of academic and student affairs, told the board of directors in a briefing of the board of directors last week: “During this dramatic change, we cannot bear the backwardness of some institutions.”

Dien, who expands the university and digital learning, said that Cal State Channel Island is one of the smaller campuses of the system. It has a campus of about 5,000 students and cannot afford the price of $ 500,000 in the campus. Some teachers are using it to enrich their teaching, including a professor of environmental science. He has developed a robot called Marlowe. The robot uses humor and pirates to help students learn scientific writing. She said, but the other people “hardly got involved” the technology.

She said that the new CSU initiative will even provide everyone with competitions.

She said: “The smaller campus has no purchasing power and resources, so this is indeed a fair issue. No matter what they go to the campus, they are in the hands of all students.”

The CSU has developed a systematic range of “AI Commons Hub”, which can access tools such as ChatGPT 4.0 for free. This tool is a kind of question that can answer questions, help writing, help mebricable, provide coding help and use human conversations to perform other tasks with other tasks. Chat robot. The university provides Openai’s technical permission for all CSU students and faculty staff.

Training includes courses on how to build technology and moral use in a timely manner. Other resources are provided by partners, including the Copilot of MicroSoft, which can help summarize information and automate tasks, such as writing emails, creating presentations, and analyzing electronic tables in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PowerPoint and other companies.

The hub will provide teachers with professional development, including how to develop curriculum plans, not only encouraging the use of technologies in a safe and responsible manner, but also “prevent AI-PROFAC” task work. Some teachers report that they are closely related to AI.

Others are worried about prejudice-for example, a study found that when AI screening is applied, it rejected women because the data set used to train it includes more men as successful employees.

However, in the resolution last year, the academic Senate praised the Garcia Office to provide funds and professional development to explore AI teaching skills and encourage more.

Clark said: “Artificial intelligence can be used for goodness and badness.” The Consultation Committee will help solve the attention of related bias, academic integrity, intellectual property and privacy.

Clark said he encouraged students to use AI in the Cal State Fullerton course in Fulleton, but asked them to pay attention to how they used it in the mission. He said: “They can’t bear the responsibility of what AI generates.” “We will not tolerate academic dishonesty.”

However, AI can help students learn, stimulate creativity and gain confidence, educators say. Clark said that in Fulleton’s information system courses, many students using AI to formulate business plans for coffee shops have formulated excellent projects-all these projects are different, showing independent thinking. Clark said that AI may stimulate the idea of ​​creative design, such as, or “talk” through the defects of the proposed plan, but verbally demand students to show their mastery of the concepts learned in the classroom.

He said: “This is a very interactive tool that can be used as mentors and class materials in many aspects.”

He said that today’s resistance to AI is similar to banning the use of calculators during the test period a few years ago, because educators believe that students should know how to manually mathemate mathematics. CSU officials said that even during the SAT mathematics test, the calculator-AI skills should be widely accepted to some extent, partly because the employer asked them.

According to LinkedIn, a platform that provides employment forecasts and professional networks and professional development, the recruitment speed of employment AI work is 30 % faster than last year’s overall recruitment, and has increased by 300 % in the past eight years.

CSU graduates 125,000 students each year, and alumni account for 10 % of California’s labor. He is determined to prepare for new job opportunities.

Clark said: “At present, AI is changing every field, from academia to labor.” “We need to ensure that our students know how to use these tools.”

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