Why Vampire Slayer Buffy Restart Destined to Success

Chris Snellgrove | publishing
Recently, the deadline breaks the most surprising news of the year: Sarah Michelle Gellar Buffy Vampire Slayer. Details about this question are still sparse, although describing it as “the next chapter in Buffyverse” means it will be set in the same world as the original show. This is why this is why Buffy The restart is destined to be successful: because it will build a series that will open the doors to continue.
Buffy restarts after Season 7

Some Buffy Fans don’t like Season 7, but the finale’s performers are an important part of the reboot that could take a hit. The whole schtick of the entire knowledge of this universe is that only one killer is active at a time and possesses all the power that follows. In the series finale, Buffy manages to fully unleash this power, giving the world a “potential”.
While we don’t know what direction the new show will take, Buffy’s own not the protagonist is a very safe bet. In fact, she is almost certainly a watchman-like character for one or more killers who need guidance. Thanks to the original Buffy The ending, this aspect of the restart makes sense, because we know that this fictional world is suddenly filled with young girls who suddenly gain the power to transform them into heroes or villains overnight. Either way, the world needs Buffy’s veterans, a killer with more experience than anyone else.
Don’t make Picard’s mistakes

Hypothesis Buffy Restart is done this way and it seems like it will start better than the closest analogue: Star Trek: Picard. Paramount+Show Yes also The revival of the much-loved ensemble genre shows everyone who loved in the 90s and, like the new generation of heroes, it also uses its title character as an older mentor character. However, many trek fans Hate The first season was because it changed all our love for Picard (including his hatred for turning Android into slavery) to get him into this transcendent character who suddenly needed to resume action to save the day .
Narratively speaking, it’s a great way to get the return character back into the action, which is why it’s a safe option Buffy Restart will do this for our favorite killer. But Buffy doesn’t have to lose her ideals and status like Picard. Instead, she just needs to be who she was at the end of the series: in this world, hundreds, if not thousands, now have her power.
It would be absolutely perfect if Buffy’s character and morality remained the same, but she had to ride a herd, in the new killer, who just wanted to move quickly and destroy things in the speech in Silicon Valley. Anyway, the writer Buffy There is a lot of material to draw on for the Restart, including some (at least for now) specification killer comics. And if the show manages to catch some other returning cast (not confirmed yet), we can finally see if Buffy ends up with Angel, Spike or someone else (although Riley, Fandom may riot).
This Buffy fan has hope

As a huge Buffy Vampire Slayer My teenage fans (I joined Mailing List To receive VHS recordings before my town finally gets WB! ), I have high hopes for restarting. This is important because I’ve seen other renaissances Freisir Failed, I’ve seen it Picard Almost destroyed the legacy of its title character before sticking to landing in the final season. Frankly, the TV restarted world is now Apocalypse, but who better browses it and saves the world again than Buffy Summers?
Source: Deadline