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Coast Guard uses ships, helicopters to search for missing crew members in the eastern Pacific

The U.S. Coast Guard is actively seeking a Coast Guard member, reportedly “no description” on CGC Waesche during operation in the Eastern Pacific.

CGC Waesche, fixed helicopters and small unmanned aircraft systems are currently in search mode in the region, said LCDR Jeannie Shaye, U.S. Coast Guard Pacific Public Affairs Officer.

The U.S. Coast Guard Chesche (WASL-751) and the U.S. Coast Guard Cutting Machine Forrest Rednour (WPC-1129) conducted a traction evolution on December 7, 2024. Waesche took the approach to get it close to the towing line to get Forrest to Forrest Rednour to initiate the trailer. (Photo of the U.S. Coast Guard, ET2 Thomas Gaeckle)

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Shaye said the work is using other Coast Guard and inter-agency search assets.

Coast Guard officials said that due to operational safety considerations, the specific location of the search work could not be disclosed.

Captain Tyson Scofield, commander of USCGC Waesche, pays tribute to Petty officer Level 3 Travis 'Obie' Obendorf, a captain's companion who served in Waesche in 2013. The BM3 Obendorf memorial ceremony sets time for the backup crew to celebrate and celebrate the crew members of the fleet who sacrifice their lives to serve others.

Captain Tyson Scofield, commander of USCGC Waesche, pays tribute to Petty officer Level 3 Travis ‘Obie’ Obendorf, a captain’s companion who served in Waesche in 2013. The BM3 Obendorf memorial ceremony sets time for the backup crew to celebrate and celebrate the crew members of the fleet who sacrifice their lives to serve others. (Photo by LTJG Julia Vanluven)

It is not clear when the service members disappeared.

They have not identified them in military officials.

U.S. Coast Guard Chesches (WMSL-751) and U.S. Coast Guard Cutting Machine Forrest Rednour (WPC-1129) performed traction and assistant evolution at sea on December 7, 2024.

U.S. Coast Guard Chesches (WMSL-751) and U.S. Coast Guard Cutting Machine Forrest Rednour (WPC-1129) performed traction and assistant evolution at sea on December 7, 2024. (Photo by LTJG Julia Vanluven)

The Coast Guard said six suspects were allegedly involved in fatal smuggling incidents in the past week.

According to the Coast Guard website, Waesche is a legendary national security cutter that was commissioned in 2010 and held in Alameda, California.

The branch said the National Security Cutter is designed to support global operations and missions and can hold up to 170 staff.

The crew was assigned to the U.S. Coast Guard Knives Waesche (WMSL 751) in the Memorial Cordon, the captain, the little crew member, the little third-level Travis'Obie' Obendorf said that he served in Waesche in 2013. Remember and celebrate the crew of the beloved crew who sacrificed their lives to serve others.

The crew was assigned to the U.S. Coast Guard Knives Waesche (WMSL 751) in the Memorial Cordon, the captain, the little crew member, the little third-level Travis’Obie’ Obendorf said that he served in Waesche in 2013. Remember and celebrate the crew of the beloved crew who sacrificed their lives to serve others. (Photo by LTJG Julia Vanluven)

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Posts on the ship’s Facebook page show that the crew participated in many military and holiday-related activities.

According to the Coast Guard, the ship is 418 feet long and 54 feet wide, with a maximum speed of more than 28 knots and a range of 12,000 nautical miles.

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