Britons planning on travelling to Tunisia have been told to take ‘caution’ following an incident

The Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) has issued a warning to Britons following an incident outside the Great Synagogue of Tunis advising caution during the emergency response period.
Police killed a man who set himself ablaze outside the synagogue according to officials.
The interior ministry reported that the man, who was said to have unspecified psychiatric disorders, advanced toward a law enforcement officer while on fire.
The identity of the man and his motives remain unclear, with authorities only noting his history of psychiatric issues.
Britons have been provided with an urgent travel warning
Whilst this incident is not yet known if it is terror-related, Britons have been provided advice by the FCDO on the threat of terrorism in Tunisia.
It said: “There is a high threat of terrorist attacks globally affecting UK interests and British nationals, including from groups and individuals who view the UK and British nationals as targets. Stay aware of your surroundings at all times.
“UK Counter Terrorism Policing has information and advice on staying safe abroad and what to do in the event of a terrorist attack.”
People can find advice on the FCDO’s website.
Recent significant attacks in Tunisia include a National Guard officer being stabbed in the Goulette area of Tunis in 2023 and in 2020, a suicide bomber targeted a police patrol in Tunis resulting in one officer’s death and four others being injured.
The deadliest attack affecting British nationals occurred in June 2015, when 38 foreign tourists, including 30 Britons, were killed in a terrorist attack at Port El Kantaoui near Sousse.
The FCDO said: “Security forces remain on a high state of alert in Tunis and other places.” Britons may be at a higher risk if at the following locations:
- Religious sites, tourist sites and festivals
- Government buildings
- Public transport networks and vehicles
- Businesses with Western interests
- Areas where foreign nationals and tourists are known to gather, or any crowded area.
The warning has been issued to Britons planning to visit Tunisia
The FCDO also advised against all but essential travel to the following areas:
- Areas north and west of the town of Ghardimaou in Jendouba Governorate, including El Feidja National Park
- Within 30km (18.6miles) of the Tunisia-Algeria border in El Kef and Jendouba governorates, south of the town of Jendouba, including the archaeological site of Chemtou
- Kasserine Governorate, including the town of Sbeitla
- Within 10km (6.2miles) of the rest of the Tunisia-Algeria border south of Kasserine Governorate
- Within 10km (6.2miles) of Mount Mghila
- Mount Orbata