Bridget Jones movie role

Bridget Jones and her inner circle have come a long way since the first part of the film.
Fans are introduced to weird characters played Renée Zellweger In 2001 Bridget Jones’s Diary. In the first ROM-COM, Bridget had a hard time finding love while working at London Publishing Company.
When her parents try to establish their daughter with the son of a family friend named Mark (Colin Firth), he initially claimed that he didn’t want to have nothing to do with her. After hearing his confession, Bridget invested in the diary and vowed to change his life.
After doing some self-improvement, Bridget wins the relationship between Mark and her boss Daniel Hugh Grant Thetrio finds himself entangled in a triangle.
The first movie is Bridget and Mark Bridget Jones: The Fringe of Reason and Bridget Jones’s Children.
The fourth movie is called Bridget Jones: Angry at the boy Confirmed in April 2024 and released in February of the following year.
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