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Young and Uneasy: Allen’s evil twins are exposed to Tracy on wedding day!

Young and uneasy sabotage see Traci Abbott (Beth Maitland) happier than ever and look forward to her future with her new fiancé, Alan Laurent (Christopher Cousins). But he hides a horrible secret that could ruin her upcoming wedding day. We will talk about this shocking twist, the happiness from now on.

Alan Laurent’s twisted story: revealing the groom in Young and upset

So last year, Traci Abbott (Beth Maitland) met Dr. Alan Laurent (Christopher Cousins), a close friend of sister Ashley Abbott (Eileen Davidson). And, if you remember, Allen was also Ashley’s psychiatrist and helped her through the crisis. They are friends from Paris, even if they are all Americans. Then, when Alan realizes that his socially ill twin brother, Martin Laurent, is imitating him, things change. He even fooled Ashley into thinking he was Alan.

Eventually, Alan and his evil twins fell into a melee in Paris. One fell off the balcony. It is presumably that Martin died. So we think, but now it looks more and more like Allen’s passing, that’s bad twin Martin, who had been in Tracy and just put it up. The only other explanation is that it is Alan Laurent, but he is in the midst of a breakthrough in mental illness.

Behave like his evil twin brother Martin. It might be an interesting twist, but it might be the easiest thing, and it’s just that Alan is probably dead, Martin is the one in Traci’s life. This guy is a sociopath diagnosed with a bad tendency. He was scary everywhere.

Kidnapping plot twist: Martin’s sinister game with Salon and Phyllis

Traci thinks she is engaged to the good guy Alan, but it’s Martin who actually makes the suggestion. We now know who was kidnapped by Sharon Case and Phyllis Summers (Michelle Stafford). Fans were absolutely shocked when they saw Alan open an app on his phone to monitor the old psychiatric hospital’s salon and Phyllis.

I have to say that Martin is still alive and kidnapped them, this is not my bingo card. Since his death, whether he died or not, but you have not really looked back and started studying it until recently.

Now, if it were Alan, maybe he was using immersive therapy to do some conceived experiments. And let Sharon and Phyllis solve their problem, but I doubt it. The guy was probably Martin, and it seemed too sinister to watch them on the screen, and he seemed to love seeing them playing his sick game and laughed and laughed as he watched the videotape on the tape.

Red Flag and Missed Clues: Is Traci engaged to Young and the uneasy sociopath?

So it’s been Traci’s date with Martin, and it looks like he’s totally cheering up, she really believes he’s Allen. It has been going on since Paris. And, if you remember, Allen is saying that Martin is always good at imitating him and has been good at it since they were kids.

However, some fans noticed some red flags. Tracy noticed, but he was able to explain. And he just continues to be able to cover up his tracks. Do you remember the first time Traci brought Allen home? He looked around the living room and said he just wanted to get everything in.

Tracy said, OK, you’ve been here before. That’s because Alan is close to Ashley, but Martin has never been there. You know, fake Alan made some excuses and Traci brushed it aside. You know, she fell in love and she didn’t pay that close attention.

Does Allen need to work?

Another red flag is that Allen basically brags about becoming Tracy’s full-time boyfriend, she knew from the time she had to go to Los Angeles to attend one of that book. Allen is like, hey, I’ll go with you. Then, he kept blowing up all these professional obligations. In fact, since he started dating Traci, I don’t think Alan is working at all. He is just a full-time boyfriend.

Obviously, the real reason is that Fake Allen can’t speak to participate or professionally meet or treat patients. You know, he couldn’t fool his companions from shrinking, they all knew his brother very well. At some point, one of his patients may notice that what he said was wrong or what he was forgotten. You know, Martin can’t get rid of it.

Another huge clue, Allen said, is that he resigned and moved to the United States permanently with Tracy after his marriage. When Alan and Martin cross the balcony together, Martin seems to be in control now, regardless of whether Alan dies or not. Maybe they both survived. Martin just changed places, and he stuck Allen to a place he couldn’t escape.

If you remember that scene in Paris, it seems that Martin died and Alan survived the clothes, but the writer might have been hasty, or initially intended to let Martin die. Then they decided to rewrite it later to make him a villain, or just ignore that part, otherwise they would try to explain the change of clothes in some way, but I think they are more likely to ignore it.

Young and uneasy - Traci and Alan
Young and uneasy – Tracy and Allen

Explosive wedding reveals: revealing Young and the uneasy little guy

So now we know that Fake Alan holds Phyllis and Sharon in Havenhurst. And you know, maybe the real Alan was locked up there, or he was in a tomb in Paris with Martin’s name on it. I just don’t think he was holding the Allen captive because he prompted Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson) to bring them to their place. And I don’t think he would risk finding it if he had an extra captive.

Given that Alan and Martin are from the United States, Alan said his brother has been a sociopath in treatment for a long time, and perhaps Martin was once a patient at Havenhurst. That’s why he knows this place very well and why he chose it.

Fake Allen seems to be playing with Phyllis and Salon like a mouse in a lab maze. And then you know, he seems to be playing Traci, which is horrible. On Friday. Nick Newman (Joshua Morrow) and Billy will save Salon and Phyllis this week. However, no one will know the identity of the kidnapper.

At least not for a while. So this may extend all the way to his wedding with Traci. We know Eileen Davidson is back for Ashley shooting, so I think we might be having a wedding for Tracy and her fiancé (her fiancé) who don’t seem to be Alan Laurent at all.

Did the fake Allen escape from dirty behavior?

Something might happen during the wedding that will cause Salon or Phyllis to realize, oh, this is the one who brought us. You know, maybe he was using a sentence that reminded them of riddles when he was kidnapped.

And I think he will be backing off and exposed to the wedding. Then the real crazy Martin will come out. Of course, poor Traci would be scared. She thought she had found someone she had dreamed of, but he was not a dream. He is a nightmare, a sweeping wedding turned into an absolute trash horror show, which is high drama for young people and uneasiness.

So, I do suspect that Fake Alan will now escape the kidnapping. I don’t think the police will crack kidnapping cases, not that they are very good at cracking any cases. Then, it will all blow up in a few weeks for Young and Antless.

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