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Fox thinks surprising X-Files storyline will ruin show

Author: Chris Snelgrove Published

Some of this may seem tame now, but The X-Files Known for pushing the envelope in the ’90s, such as when they made “Home” so scary that the Fox network refused to rerun it outside of the 1999 Halloween event. Still, the network clearly had a lot of faith in the show and rarely objected to the writers, as Mulder and Scully’s misadventures fit perfectly with the network’s edgier programming. However, Fox does worry that someone The X-Files The storyline would have ruined the show, forcing the writers of “Lazarus” to change a plot point and have another man inhabit Mulder’s body.

The X-Files Lazarus Conspiracy

This sounds like a pretty crazy plot even by the standards of The X-Filesbut “Lazarus” is about a bank robber who has the ability to implant his thoughts into other people’s bodies. Broadly speaking, the story unfolds like one of the show’s typical ones, with Mulder fervently believing the body jump is real and Scully expressing clinically polite disbelief. Initially, though, the episode’s writers didn’t want Mulder to simply theorize about body jumping. Instead, they wanted him to experience it for himself.

Mulder’s initial thoughts

according to The X-Files Fox writer-producer Howard Gordon wanted to change the plot in “Lazarus” where the robber implanted his consciousness directly into Mulder. In his words, “The Internet […] Mulder balked at the idea of ​​direct, personal experience with such supernatural events. In addition to specifically protesting the concept of “soul-switching,” Gordon said Fox was more generally opposed to using their protagonists in this way.

As we mentioned before, Fox doesn’t usually object to much The X-Files The writers wanted to do this, which makes their resistance to a key plot point in “Lazarus” so compelling. According to Gordon, things got bad: “We were pissed, and furious.” Ultimately, the battle with the network became almost impossible to win, and the writers and producers were forced to very reluctantly comment on their series. Revise.

But in the end Gordon accepted Fox’s decision The X-Files The story was seen as a “smart decision” that ultimately made “Lazarus” a stronger episode. Honestly, as long-time fans of the show, we have to agree…it’s well worth witnessing the tension between Mulder’s faith and Scully’s skepticism in any given episode, and deciding for yourself about these seemingly supernatural matters What “really” happened is equally worthwhile. Frankly, if the show had confirmed supernatural shenanigans so blatantly in its first season, it might have diluted the impact of later seasons.

The tension between Mulder and Scully’s beliefs is actually reflected in the tension between Mulder and Scully. The X-Files Writer and the “Lazarus” of the Internet. However, it’s hard to deny that the network made the right decision here, preserving the mystery of the narrative while ensuring that future episodes walk the line between revelation and disbelief. The episode ended up scrapping the soul-switching that the writers originally planned, but that’s probably for the best…like, can you imagine How weird would the show’s fan fiction get if the main character of season 1 was another man in Fox Mulder?

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