All Secret Celebrity Wedding: See Who Gets Hit-Running

Even in the spotlight, several celebrities are professionals to keep their marital status private.
“Mrs. Carol Denise Betts,” Niece Nash Written with a photo via Instagram in August 2020 Her wedding with the singer Jessica Betts. In another post on her Instagram story, the actress joked: “#plottwist.”
Niecy married before Don Nash From 1994 to 2007, Jay Tucker From 2011 to 2019. February 2020, niece Tears Confirmed The end of her second marriageadmits that she and Tucker are “better friends than life partners.”
“The one that made me laugh the most was an ode that attracted him. [They said] “Well, you never have to put a sack on his head and sleep with him.” recall Her family’s reaction to the divorce. “I answered, ‘Where is my happiness?'”
Niecy has not previously confirmed her relationship with Betts before revealing their surprise wedding.
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