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Addressing Overbought Conditions | Looking for Alpha

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Lawrence Fuller has been managing portfolios for individual investors for 30 years, starting his career at Merrill Lynch in 1993 and holding the same position at several other Wall Street firms. position and later founded Fuller Asset Management, achieving the long-term goal of full independence. He also manages growth-focused portfolios on a new fintech platform called Dub, the first copy trading platform approved by U.S. securities regulators that allows retail investors to copy the portfolios of their automatically selected managers and ongoing transaction. You can also find him on Substack and

He is a leader in architecting portfolios that focus on the overall economic and market outlook, complementing all-weather investing strategies designed to generate consistent risk-adjusted market returns. Features include: portfolio construction guidance, access to “all weather” model portfolios and dividend and option income portfolios, daily briefings summarizing current events, a week ahead newsletter, technical and fundamental reports, trade alerts, and 24/7 chat. learn more.

Analysts revealed: I/we hold beneficial long positions in RSP and IWM stocks through equity, options or other derivatives. This article was written by myself and expresses my own opinions. I received no compensation (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationships with any of the companies whose stock is mentioned in this article.

Lawrence Fuller is a principal at Fuller Asset Management (FAM), a nationally registered investment advisor. He is also the manager of the growth-focused portfolio of copy trading platform The information provided is for educational purposes only and is intended for a general audience only. This information is not intended to constitute an offer or solicitation to purchase or purchase any particular security, investment or investment strategy. Investments involve risks and are not guaranteed. FAM has reason to believe that this marketing campaign does not contain any false or materially misleading statements or omissions of fact regarding the Services, investments or customer experience. FAM has reason to believe that the entire content does not create untrue or misleading implications about the Adviser’s services, investments or client experience. No reliance should be placed on the past performance of a particular investment recommendation without understanding certain circumstances or market events, the nature and timing of the investment, and the associated limitations of the investment. FAM provides information in a fair and balanced manner. FAM does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. Mr. Fuller may discuss and demonstrate charts, graphs, formulas and stock picks, but these charts, graphs, formulas and stock picks are not, by themselves, intended to be used to determine which securities to buy or sell, or when to buy or sell them. Such charts and graphs provide limited information and should not be used alone to make investment decisions. Consultation with a licensed financial professional is strongly recommended. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the Company and are subject to change without notice. Opinions quoted are as of the date of publication, are subject to change due to changes in market or economic conditions, and may not necessarily materialize.

Seeking Alpha Disclosure: Past performance is no guarantee of future results. No advice or recommendation is given as to whether any investment is suitable for a particular investor. Any views or opinions stated above may not reflect the views of Seeking Alpha as a whole. Seeking Alpha is not a licensed securities dealer, broker or U.S. investment adviser or investment bank. Our analysts are third-party authors, including professional and individual investors, who may not be licensed or certified by any agency or regulatory body.

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