According to data

You have to do something to hit the ball.
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Welcome to play Smart, a regular game improvement column that will help you become a smarter and better golfer.
The golf swing is a bit like snowflakes, because no two are exactly the same. But while each swing has its unique look and talent, there are certain elements in almost every swing. OK swing.
This fact was once difficult to explain. We’re pretty sure we can look Some common points, but quantifying them is nearly impossible.
But with the advent of new technologies in the sport, it has become easier than ever to quantify certain swing elements found in all quality fluctuations.
Sportsbox AI (a state-of-the-art app that analyzes swing videos and spits out hundreds of data points about your body’s movements – is a tool you can use to do this. In a recent Instagram post, they shared three key moves to hit the ball with your hardcore.
Check them out below.
1. Front axle thin
You may have heard the term before the term, and there is good reason. In order to enable stable contact that can produce enough force, you must place your hands in front of the ball when in contact with the iron.
When you don’t have a forward shaft lean, you just ask for poor contact. In most cases, this will occur in blocks and thin situations, but even if you hit the ball in the face, you won’t get the same power as when tilting forward to the front axle. Instead, you will add the attic and “spoon” the ball from the ground, which will take away your power.
Next time you head to practice, make sure to work hard to gain some weight loss on the forward axis. If you do this, you will have an easier time producing the ball for the first contact, which will produce a clearer iron lens.
2. hips towards target
You want to make sure that the lead butt is closer to the target than the address. According to Sportsbox AI data, this is a move seen in 100% of the tour swing. Meanwhile, you want your chest to be behind the pelvis. This is known as the “negative swing gap” and is key to hitting the ball while maintaining a neutral swing path.
This combination of moves can be difficult to master, but once you get it, it will start to feel natural. Even better, it will allow you to rinse the iron as before.
3. The pelvis is larger than the chest turns
The final part of a solid iron strike must be to make the pelvic impact more than the chest impact. According to Sportsbox AI data, this move can also be seen in 100% of Tour participants.
When the chest is more open than the hips when it hits, it indicates poor sequencing and leads to excessive movement. This results in a lot of faded and weak slices that deprive you of strength and consistency.
But if you can keep your hips more open than your chest, you will be able to pass the club head from a better place and hit a more stable solid shot.