The Most Hated Star Wars Episode Is Important to the Series’ Future

Author: Chris Snelgrove updated
In most cases, the audience’s reception Star Wars: Strange New Worlds“S” has been quite positive at the box office thanks to its talented cast, solid script and great production values. However, for many Star Wars fans, the show made one mistake: the musical Warp Rhapsody.
Admittedly, this episode pales in comparison to more successful musicals, e.g. buffy the vampire slayer’s “Once More With Feeling,” a song that might be a little (well, a lot of) is more attractive. Still, I believe fans should respect this controversial episode because it proves that the writers of sci-fi’s best series are still willing to take creative risks.

As long-time Star Wars fans know, the series hasn’t always showcased the creativity found in musicals. strange new world. For example, early episodes new generation Recycling scripts written for cancellation original series The sequel will introduce new characters such as Decker and Ilya. These characters were later recycled into Star Wars: The Movie Later inspired the characters of Riker and Troi in TNG.
Of course, there are other spin-off moments in the series. deep space nine (a personal favorite) has long been accused of plagiarism Babylon 5, and StarCraft: Nemesis is a crappy renovation Wrath of Khan. speaking of Wrath of Khanwhose Nebula battle sequence was filmed and recycled for use in the series new generation even Picard.

StarCraft has a long history of spin-offs. strange new world‘s musical interlude is a refreshing reminder that the series is still capable of surprising us.
But that didn’t stop many fans from scratching their heads over everything from the plot to the lyrical execution. Like a true chorus of geeks, most of these annoyed fans added their voices to make a singular statement: “Star Trek shouldn’t have a musical.” These fans are critical of what the series should do and have very fixed ideas of what not to do, like well-trained targets, always waiting to pounce on any episode or movie that deviates from what they imagine Star Trek should be.

This short-sighted perspective doesn’t just hinder the franchise’s growth, however. If these fans had their way, the team would have perished decades ago.
new generation Considered by many old fans to be the best Star Wars show, but not just the series Very different from original seriesit didn’t reach true greatness until it was freed from the influence of franchise founder Gene Roddenberry.
in turn, deep space nine became real The greatest Trek show of all time, a clear disregard for the storytelling limitations of previous shows. These included Roddenberry’s injunction against creating conflict between characters.
Even though I can’t hum a tune or remember a lyric, I admire the first Star Wars musical for its proud disregard for all rules. Historically, Star Wars has been stymied by fans who just want to slingshot around the sun and return the series to an imagined golden age (like the ’90s).
Star Wars wouldn’t have survived if the writers weren’t willing to take risks. strange new world” The writers realized a powerful fact: StarCraft could anything. I should no longer be held back by grumpy fans unwilling to put down their TNG DVD sets and enjoy a franchise that finally remembers James T. Kirk’s wisdom: “The risk is Our business. strange new world Get ready to lead us into a better, brighter, and bolder future, one episode (yes, one song) at a time.