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90 Day Fiancé: Shekinah shouts out Salper’s drama – Review [S11E03]

exist 90 days fiancé, Shekinah Garner call Sarper Guven When he struggles to put his parents and the bachelor behind Türkiye. Mahdi Feeling freedom when accepting everything New Orleans has to offer. Mina Mack New Hampshire gas station food is not excited. and Joan Kruchov Welcome to the United States with customized bread. Let’s take a closer look at our couple in this review of Season 11 Episode 3 Between love and madness.

90 Days Fiancé: Shekinah is upset by Sarper’s drama

90-day fiancé Couple Shekinah Garner and Sarper Guven travel to the United States to get married. Although Shekinah knew it would be hard for him to leave his family, she thought she should be his top priority. The family would gather in the pool and they would prepare to leave the airport. Sapper’s sister confessed to Shekinah Garner that they had reason to attract attention. That is, the two often fight. If Shekinah kicks him out after the blowout, he will have nowhere to go.

Shekinah Garner suggested that her friends in Los Angeles would open the door to him. But his sister laughed at the idea. In this case, it is suggested that Sapper will never look for her friends. Shekinah expressed sympathy for the family’s feelings. Especially because his parents have a hard time seeing their only child go. But she did suggest to Sapper that he was an adult man. As his future wife, it’s time to put her first and then stop the drama, rather than cut the wires.

exist 90 days fiancé, Shekinah Garner was happy to pack up and move out Sarper’s bachelor. But he had a tough time in memories of leaving home and the many women he was entertaining there. Shekinah also warned that he needed to be in the best manners around her teenage daughter. Because her family had polluted him in her eyes. Sarper Guven suggests that he can’t change it sometimes is a hole. Shekinah advises him to work hard not to be one.

90 Day Fiancé: Sarper Guven
90 Day Fiancé: Sarper Guven

90 Days Fiancé: Mahdi enjoys freedom in New Orleans

Stevi Nichole and Mahdi have a great night in New Orleans 90-day fiancé. Although she was concerned about the comments she might return to Iran the night before. Mahdi clarified that he only said in the sad moments of missing his parents. So the couple embarked on a day exploring New Orleans. Of course, the first stop to sample. Mahdi likes Beignet and suggests that if all food in the United States is like this, he will gain weight.

Mahdi was surprised to see street performers dancing and singing. Especially because in Iran, you can be arrested for these things. He said he could actually feel freedom. He was a little uneasy because of a lying street statue. And amused by an adult shop, there is a mannequin wearing clas on the window. Although a little overwhelmed, he seemed absolutely embracing the freedom that America has provided.

Mina Mack doesn’t think about gas station food

So far, it’s a tough tweak for the Mina Mack in New Hampshire. Due to passport issues, she woke up to miss her son Clayton, who stayed in Paris. Having a quick video chat with him made her feel worse. She even advised Mark Bessette that she could not attend the wedding 90-day fiancé If Clayton can’t be there. Mark warned that if they don’t get married within the proper time frame, she will lose the chance to stay.

Mina tries to make breakfast and emits a smoke alarm. She was also disappointed that Mark did not have Maria’s high chair or other essentials. So Mark took them to a convenience store attached to a gas station shopping. Mina was a little confused because there was no fresh lamb or mushrooms. Mark laughed, convinced her to settle in some pasta and cream soup. A trip to a furniture store is equally useless, finding a high chair for Maria. Come to Mark. Drive a little to Walmart.

exist 90 days fiancé, Mina prepares spaghetti gas-n-go. Maria complains about food at the convenience store. But Mark and Mina have the best wine and hot tub at night. Until Mark brought to visit his family, especially his daughter Jordan. He made Jordon question whether he should have another child. Mina offended this and called Jordan a snake. She left the jacuzzi and told Mark not to disturb going to bed.


Greg is about to arrive in Joan Kruchov 90-day fiancé. He prepared a custom sour bread with her name engraved to welcome her at the airport. He prepared some chicken wraps and fries in advance just in case she was hungry. HS mom was helpful but still advised them to sleep in a separate bedroom when they arrived. She doesn’t want to hear any extracurricular activities in between.

Joan Kruchov welcomed at the dough. Greg serves chicken and fries in the car. Joan said the fries were too salty. But it seems really nice to join Greg’s company. Until he mentioned the separate bedroom. She was frustrated and admitted to knowing later that she might not have come. The first meeting with my mom was kind. But Joan just wanted to take a shower. And it doesn’t need to be used for pets to sleep in bed. So it looks like three will definitely be the crowd.

TLC Throuple Moves Forward

exist 90-day fiancé Amani Jlassi and Matt are going to Mexico to continue their plan to bring any Aguirre to the United States and her children become a happy family. But they have to take care of several things first. The couple said goodbye to their young daughter. Amani complained about leaving her child for so long. She wished she could be normal, rather than skipping basketball, adding some spice to her life in a third party. They can certainly turn around and cancel.

This is the day of the Mexican death parade. Amani Jlassi shows that she doesn’t understand. But she did enough to buy some masks for the holidays. and her sugar skull mask and the preparation. Meanwhile, glimpses of any Aguirr life are more like a Netflix movie. Anyone who is 16 years old now has 3 children and she works in a strip club. She admits in tears that it’s hard, but she will do anything for the baby. She left the other half 90-day fiancé But will it work? Until next time!

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