World News

Two women killed in Pittsfordhouse fires are identified

The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office identified two women who died in the Pittsford fire last month.

The pair died in the Jan. 26 fire at 82 Callham Road were 89-year-old Constance Scott and Cheryl Halperyn, 80, a Pittsford resident, said. according to Pittsford Town Tax RecordsHalperyn owns 82 Callham Road. Both women lived at home and were severely damaged in the fire, Young said.

Pittsford Fire Department Chief Steve Cline said last month that the first firefighters at the scene on January 26 found heavy flames rising from the front corner of the house firefighters. There are two dead in the house.

“We express our sincere condolences to the families and friends of the two victims,” ​​Young said in a press release.

Fire officials continued to investigate the fire. The fire cause was not released.

Calleham Road is located in a community south of Fairport Road, near the town border with Perinton.

This article originally appeared in Rochester Democrats and Chronicles: Constance Scott, Cheryl Harperling died in Petersford New York fire

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