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Record Americans are now 401(k) millionaires – but it may be less than you think

Currently, record Americans save $1 million in 401(k)s, but probably less than you think

The 401(k) is an employer-funded retirement program with tax benefits and is one of the most popular ways Americans can do in a golden year.

According to the latest data from the Investment Company Institute, they generally hold nearly $9 trillion in assets of 70 million participants (active and retired).

According to a recent Fidelity report, the average balance of these accounts is $132,300, with retirement plan providers analyzing 24.4 million 401(k) plan participants’ third-quarter 2024 data. Among Americans aged 65-69, the average balance is the highest at $252,800.

So, you might find that few Americans have a balance of up to $1 million in a 401(k) workplace retirement plan. But those who have reached this milestone undoubtedly worked hard to get there. With proper planning, you can, too.

According to Fidelity, 544,000 people are 401(k) millionaires. When you consider the total number of 401(k) participants included in their study (244 million), that’s a small percentage of less than 3%.

But, this number is so small. Building wealth for retirement takes time and time. And if you don’t start earlier, you may be really hard to catch up.

Many people wait until they are older to start saving for retirement. It’s easy to understand why.

It’s hard to set aside funds for retirement when you work hard to deal with childcare expenses or new mortgages. Then, once your kids grow up and go to college, you may face high tuition fees in the process of helping.

A 2024 AARP study found that 20% of Americans aged 50 and older have no retirement savings. But if you reach that age without setting aside any money for your senior year, your chances of reaching $1 million may be slim.

Read more: Rich, young Americans are abandoning the stormy stock market – this is the alternative asset they rely on

People who retire with $1 million or more often start to work towards this milestone early in their careers. If your goal is to retire $1 million or more, one of the most important things you can do is start funding an IRA, 401(k) or another dedicated retirement account from a young age.

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