Finance News

China, gold, the lead in momentum, but savvy investors become bearish

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MarketGauge was transformed from a successful ground trader into a hedge fund manager 25 years ago. Their experts have over 100 years of diversified experience as professional traders, technicians and educators. MarketGauge’s mission is to provide strategic and actionable information that enables newbies to empower professional investors and advisers to exceed their financial goals. We accomplish our tasks through educational courses, proprietary trade tools and quantum-based models. The core philosophy of MarketGauge is to use our proprietary tools/indicators and proven trading models to identify the largest macro and emerging trends. MG adopts a short-term strategy derived from years of successful floor trading to accurately maximize profits and minimize risk. Price action is the main driving force. However, the same is true for the fundamental MG layer. MG is committed to trading in an organized, systematic and repeatable way. MG believes this is the key to success. Their philosophy runs contrary to the common communication strategy of many Wall Street analysts. They believe that passive management and buying and holding are totally dangerous. In addition, all MG’s investment models include daily and weekly updated records. Their performance is always transparent. Since its inception, MarketGauge has provided market analysis to some of the largest financial institutions, such as Barron’s, Fidelity, and thousands of individual investors and active traders. Their insights can be found in Benzinga, Stock & Commodity, Talk Markets, Investment Shortcuts, AAAII and Traders Library. CBS MarketWatch ranks our Twitter feed into the top 50 for financial information. Each market scale expert has a special focus and field within the company. Their unique skills are all linked to their shared experience and commitment to risk management. They all use the same metrics and tools.

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