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Nine 1950s science fiction movies that are still worth streaming

Joshua Tyler | publishing


The horrors of World War II and the release of atomic energy have the side effects of opening up new creativity and guessing the world. The result is the birth of modern science fiction as filmmakers explore new ideas, fears, and scientific possibilities that suddenly push towards them. Living in the 1950s means living in a world where everything is possible, and no one knows what will happen next.

While you might think that the era has limited special effects, which makes the movie date and irrelevant, that is not the case. The best of them makes the most of what they have, and this 50s sci-fi movie story is the foundation for most of what you take for granted when you play on a new streaming show now.

So grab the ray gun and jump into the UFO. These are nine science fiction movies from the 1950s and are still worth watching. We know that because unlike the websites owned by the company, we do watch all nine of them!

World War (1953)

Before and after the release of George Pal in 1953, many adaptations of HG Wells’ classic alien invasion novels were seen around the world, but no one did it better. Especially not the Steven Spielberg version. Sorry, Dakota Fanning.

The film takes the book and forms it reality, sets it World War In the 1950s. It also transforms the alien ship from a tripod walker into a smooth floating ship with thermal jet eyes.

The film was originally planned to use a tripod, but ultimately chose something more feasible for the limited practical effects of the era. This change gives the version of this story a unique look, and the film is now as effective as ever, nervous and suspenseful as it has ever been.

It was also the perfect window into the 1950s America, full of all the innocence of the weekly square dance and the stubborn determination brought back by the soldier who just survived, and now finds himself trapped in another game.

Godzilla (1954)

Originally a Japanese allegory of the horrors of World War II, it has since become the longest film series in film history. It was this 1954 Japanese function that started it all.

Godzilla was known in his homeland as Gojira. But no matter what you call him, this nuclear-breathing kaiju is the ultimate sci-fi idol.

Of course, this is just a man in a lizard suit, stepping on the microscope, but you won’t mind. Godzilla Very shot, the story is the original template for all the giant creature attack movies you’ve seen. You should see it enjoying the city stampede operation and better understand the world when humans try to deal with the nuclear horrors after World War II.

20,000 Undersea Leagues (1954)

Walt Disney in 1954 20,000 leagues under the seaenter a large blockbuster movie. The film is very popular and no one else has tried to adapt to the book since.

It stars Kirk Douglas as harmonica Ned Land, the main character in Hollywood classic James Mason as Captain Nemo. Mixed section Mysterious islandthe novel of this sequel was undervalued, and the original novel “20,000 Undersea Leagues” faithfully adapted to the groundbreaking story.

Nemo’s rough, nihilistic edges are softened, but Mason does a great job of the complex Jules Verne role, who is both a hero and a villain, depending on what you ask for.

The day when the earth is still (1951)

Release during the opening of the Cold War, The day when the earth still stands Explore what happens when an alien named Klaatu arrives, just discovering that there is a broken world in the world.

Almost no action, special effects ARBasic, but Michael Rennie’s performance as Klaatu is haunting and has created a template for Aliens Hollywood. Since then, this classic story has been retold over and over again in one way or another, but the original 1951 film is still the best and reminds people that human progress is not as we think.

This island Earth (1955)

This island and earth The purpose of creating is to move genres of science fiction beyond the realm of B-film status. It didn’t achieve that; the film’s production is a mixed bag with unbalanced story. Ultimately, it will continue to be regarded as a cult classic.

This island and earth It is a story of a scientist who begins to accept mysterious dream devices, accompanied by instructions on how to assemble them. When he finished all the processing, he found himself creating a communication device and completing the test. It’s a test to see if he’s worth helping a victim force attack the alien race.

The most important and lasting legacy This island and earth Its impact on the science fiction genre has since then been its impact. The film is now considered a classic of the cult, and its DNA can be found clearly in modern science fiction movies touch even The Last Star Mars.

By the way, although this is not the intention of the movie, The Last Star Mars It’s easy to be considered a sequel This island and earth. The premise is not only similar, but also the big head behind the film incident, the aliens in the White Nest are the same.

them! (1954)

After World War II, paranoia in the Atomic Age were everywhere, not only in Japan, but also in the United States. No one is sure what will happen next, leading to the movie Godzilla And, in the United States, them!

them! A completely different story with Godzillaalthough it is also about the giant creature created by the atomic bomb. It is smaller in size, starting from a remote desert, with two police officers investigating a series of murders.

them! The scope gradually expanded, but slowly and orderly. Yes, this is the story of giant ants, but it is also the story of a competent and brave man doing all the right things to protect the world from impossible things.

Godzilla It’s a disaster movie, but them! It’s a detective story, and it’s worth watching that for the giant ants, the performance and thoughtful writing are worth watching.

Forbidden Planet (1956)

More than half a century after release Forbidden planets Still a huge pillar in the field of science fiction film. With unprecedented budgets and innovative storytelling skills, it is indeed ahead of the times.

By Fred M. Forbidden planets A large amount of funds are widely used in creative setting design, groundbreaking special effects and their innovative scores.

The film is particularly rooted in Shakespeare’s fantasy, The Storm, elements of the plot and character dynamics reflect the timeless drama of the bard. exist Forbidden planetsThe crew of the Starship C-57D headed to the distant Altair IV to reveal the fate of a lost expedition, ignoring the ominous warning along the way.

As the sole survivor, Dr. Edward Morbius, his daughter Altaira and their robot servant Robby raise a mystery as the discovery of invisible planetary powers, It becomes more complicated.

Outer Space Plan 9 (1959)

In the legendary discourse of Jerry Seinfeld, “Just a movie?! You don’t understand. It’s not the plan 1 to 8 in outer space, it’s plan 9, it’s the plan that works. The most ever Bad movie!”

Plan 9 from outer space It’s worth mentioning one of the worst movies ever. Too bad, Johnny Depp Ed Wood, In his work.

Then why do you need to see it? This is not a good movie list; it’s a list of movies worth watching, and anything uniquely bad is definitely worth watching.

Originally titled The Grave of Outer Space, the bad movie involves alien races who attempt to gradually scatter the swarms of recently passed away humans into all the capitals of the world.

Despite the poor quality and poor special effects, most fans of bad movies have cited it plan As one of the best bad movies ever made. Check out the UFO for yourself and let this movie happen to you.

Spots (1958)

Since then, remakes and sequels have been done, but it’s hard to get the original content on board. Released in 1958, the first version spotBy Irvin S. Yevos (Irvin S.

Blob (1958) began with a meteorite crash near a small town and an elderly man discovered an attached gel-like substance. The spot-like creature quickly swallowed the old man, absorbed him and grew up.

A teenager named Steve Andrews, played by a very young Steve McQueen, witnessed the attack, but when he tried to warn them, the authorities Facing doubts. As the spot continues to grow and consumes everything on its path, it becomes a threat to everyone.

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