Finance News

Eversource Energy: Newly founded dividend aristocrats (NYSE:ES)

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I’m alpha gen. I have over 14 years of investment experience and an MBA in finance. I focus on stocks that are more defensive in nature and have a moderate to long-term perspective.

I provide high yield, dividend growth investment ideas in the investment group

IREIT®+Hoya Capital

. The group helps investors obtain reliable monthly income, portfolio diversification and inflation hedging. It provides investment research on REIT, ETF, closed-end funds, preferred and dividend champions. It offers a target dividend yield of up to 10% for portfolios targeting revenue.

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Analysts’ disclosure: I/We do not have stocks, options or similar derivatives positions in any of the companies mentioned, but can be initiated by buying stocks or buying stock options or similar derivatives in ES within the next 72 hours Long position. I wrote this article myself and expressed my opinions. I was not compensated (other than seeking alpha). I have no business relationship with any of the companies mentioned in this article.

I’m not an investment consultant. This article is for informational purposes and does not constitute financial advice. The reader is encouraged and expected to conduct due diligence and draw your own conclusions before making any investment decisions.

Seeking Alpha’s disclosure: Past performance cannot guarantee future results. There are no suggestions or suggestions as to whether any investment is suitable for a particular investor. Any view or view expressed above may not reflect the view of Alpha as a whole. Seeking Alpha is not a licensed securities dealer, broker or U.S. investment advisor or investment bank. Our analysts are third-party authors, including professional and individual investors, who may not be licensed or certified by any institute or regulatory authority.

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