TV shows canceled in 2025-2026: Which season has not been renewed?

2025 is cruel when our favorite TV shows are cancelled.
Netflix and Girls5eva After saving from cancel. The musical comedy originally premiered on Peacock in 2021 and tracks the women of four female members. After becoming a blower, the former friend reunited in his later life, trying to get musical success again.
Girls5eva He was renewed for his second season, but the Peacock didn’t get any more seasons. The show moved to Netflix in Season 3, and eventually the final season.
Sara Bareilles, busy Phillips (Paula Pell) and Renée Elise Goldsberry It constitutes the main actors of the show. After the second cancellation, Phillips made an emotional statement.
“I’m forever grateful for this incredible show for these girls who became my sister 5eva because Netflix gave us a chance to sing a little longer and for everyone at Universal and Peacock Take root for our performance,” the actress via Instagram. “Of course, the genius of Meredith, Jeff and Eric and my patron saint, Tina Fey.”
She continued: “Honestly, without this show, I don’t know what would happen to me and the endless joy it brought to me during the darkest period of my life. I really enjoyed my work. Sometimes I barely feel like I can’t feel it at all. . Anyway, is this not only like everything in life? Love you 5eva ❤️.”
Apple TV +’s Sunny It’s another major TV loss. Based on the novel of 2018 Dark HandbookSunshine Star Rashida Jones As an American woman living in Japan, her husband and son disappeared in a plane crash and she was given a home robot.
“I hope to have more awareness of our show. I won’t lie,” Jones told Hollywood Reporter September 2024, a reception on her now-show. “I think [Sunny] The reason I found the audience is because people seem to like it and a lot of people talked about it with me. What [Apple] It does have their taste very good and does do a great show. ”
The actress attributes streaming services to allowing weekly releases. “I know it’s old school and not everyone does it, but I do think [staggered release] The format is perfect for the show,” Jones continued. “I’m sure there are some people in all [the episodes] They are no longer here because they are used to this speed. But I do feel like there are a lot of little things falling down the way you want to sit a little bit before getting stuck. ”
Jones was also asked questions that still need to be answered.
“It’s very hopeful, it’s like this, I don’t think we’ll harm anyone by saying something you want to know.” “Do you feel like you’re hanging, you feel satisfied, too.” Is it?”
Keep scrolling to see what TV shows have been cancelled so far in 2025-2026: