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Whoopi Goldberg interrupted the “point of view” to embrace the guest Harvey Glenn

Whoopi Goldberg. ABC/Jenny Anderson

Whoopi Goldberg Interrupt view On Wednesday, on Wednesday, share a very special moment with guests HarveyguillénEssence

Goldberg, 69, stood up from a chair in an interview with Gumillén, 34, to share a hug when discussing men’s loneliness and confidence.

viewThe host is obviously happy to have What do we do in the shadow The alum was added to the table because she revealed that she was a super fan of his work.

“I jumped at him for the first time,” Goldburg recalled. “I like his performance, this is the so -called What do we do in the shadowEssence “

Goldberg praised Guillén to do “so many jobs” to advocate representatives of the LGBTQIA+community in the entertainment industry.

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The group discussed later turned to Guillén’s latest project companionA science fiction thriller studied the theme of agreeing with human interaction.

Guillén and White lotus Star Lukas Game Play guests in a remote hut and find their friends Josh’s (boyJack Quaid (Jack Quaid)) Girlfriend, Arris (Sophie Thatcher), Are actually “partner robots”. When Iris revenge, the nerves of the couple were in trouble.

Gilion recalled: “When I read this script, some of these characters talked with partners with shocking value.” “I never realized that sometimes you see people’s pairing, and you think, you think that ‘Do you talk to your wife like this? Whether you talk to your husband like you? Whether it is the future, it may not involve the love robot or love partner, or how you talk to others very much. “

Whoopi Goldberg interrupted the point of hugging the guest Harvey Guillen, I love you

Guillén is worthy of praise companion The importance of helping him and true reflection is related to the importance of men.

“Sometimes people say, okay, there is a kind of male lonely popularity, this is one thing, but sometimes men must stop and realize,” Maybe I need to repair myself. “If you can’t love yourself, what will you do if you can’t love yourself, what will you do if you can’t love yourself, what will you do? Love others? Guillén argued.

Goldburg pointed to her view The host said that she had said the same point in the past and then stopped performing temporarily to embrace Jilan.

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“I love you! Oh, my God,” Goldberg announced in an impromptu hug.

view The host subsequently transferred the discussion to the love life of Jilin and asked if he was currently dating anyone.

“No,” he answered with a smile. “In fact, I was dating someone when I was filming, and Lukas Gage, who played my partner in the movie, is in a relationship.”

Guillén continued: “We are talking about our relationship, we are very in love, so that we brought [feeling] To the role. Now, both of us are single! I thought at the time, “Do you think this is because we saw the Red Flag when shooting?” And, I think it is! “

Guillén explanation viewHis host said that he ended his recent love relationship because his partner “imitated love”, but he could not fully promise.

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Frazer Harrison/Getty image has gathered together since a series of wildfire destroyed the region and participated in the first movie premiere of Los Angeles. The companion is Jack Quaid, Sophie Thatcher, Lukas Gage, Rupert friends, Megan Suri, and Megan Suri, and Harveyguillén’s buzzing horror movie. The circumstances are around a weekend resort. […]

“I turn back [think]’Wow! When I filmed that movie, I was not the same person. And I will not be the person of today’s tomorrow, ” Jilin acknowledged. “So, we all continue!”

Earlier this month, Jilin joined him companion At the Hollywood Legion theater, including GAGE, Quaid, Thatcher, and Rupert. The event was the first Hollywood premiere since the destroyed Los Angeles region in January.

Guillén will be the opposite star next Eva Longoria (Eva Longoria) and Flame fever actor Jesse Garcia (Jesse Garcia) In family comedy Alexander and terrible, terrible, not good, very bad road travelWill be released on Disney+on March 28.

view ABC was broadcast on Monday on Friday, and streaming media derived Weekend landscape At 7:30 am and 9:30 am on Sunday at 9:30 am in the eastern time of the United States. Guillén’s new movie companion It was released at the theater on Friday, January 31.

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