All my children star Esta Terblanche’s death revealed

Update 1/29/25 at 2:42 pm Eastern United States at 2:42:
In the months after Terblanche’s death, the Physician County, Los Angeles County, revealed that her death was intracranial hemorrhage due to blunt trauma injury.
The damage “may be caused by the landing on the ground,” death was ruled to be an accident.
The original story continues below:
All my children Star ESTA TERBLANCHE He died at the age of 51, American weekly Confirmation.
“Esta is such a kind, full of love, dedication and care,” the manager of Terblanche, Annie Spoliansky, Say in a statement usEssence “She is very concerned about everyone and animals. Her squirrel feeds and takes care of her every day. Her two cats and kittens who recently take care of her children. ESTA (ESTA) is by no means generous and lovely for me. I am very happy to know her during the time I did and frustrate to understand her death. “
Terblanche’s goddess Barbie doll Ashley Tell TMZ On Sunday, July 21, the actress died unexpectedly on Thursday, July 18.
According to the authorities, Terblanche was found in Hollywood’s house for a day. Representative of Terblanche Lisa Rodrigo (Lisa Rodrigo) The news was confirmed through social media.
“I can’t believe that I am posting this information. My friend and customer ESTA TERBLANCHE died of natural reasons on Thursday. The autopsy report is waiting.” She wrote through Facebook. “I’m still dealing with and shocked. Esta is a beautiful soul. I am proud to know her and cooperate with her. There are more in the future. Thank you for the news so far. I haven’t got you yet, I will soon.
Rodrigo also pays tribute to Terblanche in a statement usWrote: “When I understand ESTA’s death, I feel heartbroken. She used to be a beautiful soul, and I miss him every day. I am honored to know her, not only calling her a customer, but also called her as her, but also called her For friends.

Daniel Cosgrove, TC Warner, Cameron Mathison and Esta Terblanche
Steven Bergman/ AFF- USA.comTerblanche star All my children From 1997 to 2001, Gillian was depicted. After her character was shot in the series, her husband Ryan Lavery on her screen (Ryan Lavery) (Cameron Mathison) By separate her from life support. Later, she returned to the performance in 2011 to play Gillian’s “Ghost”.
“When I came back, this was really excited for me and Cameron. When we met each other, we both started to laugh at each other.” Terblanche told Summary of soap opera Earlier this month. “At that time, we haven’t seen each other for many years, so this is a moving moment for us.”
Mathison paid tribute to his front ribs on Sunday. “Tear my sweet princess,” he wrote through the Instagram story that there is a broken expression symbol in the photo of the soap opera.
He also shared the recent selfie, revealing that they kept contact. “Esta helped me last year [my dog] Read is sick and paralyzed. I am struggling one of the cutest people in history. “Martony wrote.
Since I left All my childrenMedia reports that Terblanche opened its own spa and produced documentary with film producers in South Africa Michael KastenbaumEssence She also hosted a TV show, including Supermodel and Carte BlancheEssence
She said: “I have traveled a lot with those documentary, and they are really amazing.” “We did something on the largest snake in the world. Really interesting works are terrible, wild and amazing. Many things, so just on my alley.
Terblanche separated his time between South Africa and the United States, and he expressed his hope to return to the camera. She told the outlet: “This is definitely something I want to return.”